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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

12/18 Wednesday

1. Holiday Quiz-See how well you can do on this Holiday Quiz

2. Christmas Carol-Go here and make your own Christmas Carol! Annoy everyone in your vicinity!

3. Santa's Flight Game-Uh Oh! Looks like Santa is having all kinds of trouble flying his sleigh. Can you help him?

4. Warm-Up-Creative Writing- Look at the following picture. Write a quick short story about the picture. Be creative!

Sunday, December 15, 2019

12/16 Monday

1. Creative Write-Look at the following picture. Write a quick short story about the picture. Be creative!

2. Class Novel-Let's get back and check on Nya and Salva.

3. Pre-WW1-We are going to look at some of the causes of the Great War!

4. Christmas Origins-I often say that the best way to fully appreciate something is to know its origin. With that in mind, you are to use the internet to research and find the origins of the following things associated with Christmas.
-Santa Claus
-Christmas Trees
-Gift giving
-Santa's Elves
-Christmas lights

Once you have researched the above things, create a Google Slide presentation that explains in detail the origins of each the items listed above. Make sure your presentation has correct grammar, pictures, and good use of design and color.

Friday, December 13, 2019

12/13 Friday

1. Free Rice Friday-Learn new words, donate some rice to the needy, it's a WIN-WIN situation. It's FREE RICE time!!!

FREE RICE CHALLENGE-Try to get over 400 grains of rice!

2. Ready NC-Are you ready?

3. Article of the Week-back to it!

4. Long Walk to Water Activity-This activity will practice our writing skills!

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

12/12 Thursday

DID YOU KNOW....The longest place name on the planet is 85 letters long. Crazy!

1. Free Read-Grab your books and relax.


2. LOGOs-LOGOs misses you guys...

3. ReadyNC-We are almost done with our newest packet.

4. Class Novel-Out of the river, into the desert!

5. Long Walk to Water Activity
-This activity will practice our writing skills!

Tuesday, December 10, 2019


1. Ready NC-Let's go ahead and get this out of the way!

2. Article of the Week-Let's look at another water crisis a little closer to home.

3 Long Walk to Water-Poor Salva!

4. Long Walk to Water Activity-This activity will practice our writing skills!

5. CNN 10-Let's catch up with the world...

6. Create-A-Quiz-Instructions will follow

7. Industrial Revolution Being There Project-For this assignment, you guys are going to try to put yourselves into the shoes of children that worked in the Industrial Revolution. First, create and share a google doc titled "IR Being There". Next, go to this link and pick a picture. This will be your "character". Then I want you to use the following links to research what life was like for kids who worked in the Revolution. Using that information and the picture, create a story about life in the Industrial Revolution. Your links are here, here, and here. Your story needs to be at least 173 words long.

12/10 Tuesday

1. Scavenger Hunt-Use the internet for correct answers (spelling counts) Put the questions and the answers in an email titled Scavenger Hunt #1 and send it to me. Remember to answer in complete sentences.
On what date did the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico occur?
Who was the 16th president of the United States?
What are three synonyms for the word BIZARRE?
What is the capital of Egypt?
What are two website addresses that allow you to edit video?
What is the largest mammal on Earth?
What are three antonyms for the word ANTIQUE?
Who discovered the cure for the disease polio?
Who is Mark David Chapman?
Who was Leif Erickson?
When, where, and why did the Titanic sink?
What are Greenhouse Gases?
Who created Superman?
Who was the 2nd man to walk on the Moon?

2.  Knoword-Good game

3. Social Studies Games-Some days you just got to kick back and have some fun. Here are some social studies related games that you guys can give a shot.

Oregon Trail is an extremely old-school game about survival and dysentery!

Begscape -puts you in the shoes of a beggar trying to survive

A Dark Room starts you off in a dark room (duh!)

Monday, December 9, 2019

12/9 Monday

1. Free Read-Grab your books!

2. LOGOS-Work on activities 1,2, and 5.

3. RI 7.2-New Standard Time!!!

4. Ready NC-New standard, new lesson.

5. CNN 10-New week, new news!

6.  Industrial Revolution Inventions-Go to the following website and look at the Industrial Revolution invention timeline. Once you have looked at some of the inventions, send me an email (subject should be "IR-Inventions") and pick the five Industrial Revolution inventions you think are the most important. Be sure to explain why you think so and write in complete sentences!

Friday, December 6, 2019

12/6 Friday

1. Warm-Up-Creative Writing- Look at the following picture. Write a quick short story about the picture. Be creative!  Make sure your story is suspenseful.

2. Cultural Literacy Terms-Let's go over our terms!

3. Article of the Week-We still need to do more with our article.

4. Class Novel-I'm a little worried about Marial...and I'm not even lion....

5. CNN 10-Let me guess Carl....are Fridays awesome?


Wednesday, December 4, 2019

12/5 Thursday

DID YOU KNOW....There’s only one letter that doesn’t appear in any U.S. state name

1. Game-NEW GAME ALERT!!! Give Eight Letter Word a shot!

2. Article of the Week-We are going to be reading an article which ties closely to our class novel.

3. Class Novel-Back to our novel!

4. Logos-We need to work in our books.

5. CNN 10-News time!

6. People of the Industrial Revolution- You will be researching various important figures from the Industrial Revolution .You will answer questions about each day's person in your Social Studies google doc. Make sure to use complete sentences. You will do all research necessary on your own. You must answer the following questions.

1. What was this person's full name?

2. Where and when was this person born?

3. Where and when did this person die?

4. What was their importance to the Industrial Revolution?

5. What are 3 interesting facts about this person

George Stephenson

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

12/4 Wednesday

1. Study Island-You guys need to be working on Study Island. I have added 2 new assignments. You're welcome!

2. CNN 10-News time!

3. People of the Industrial Revolution- You will be researching various important figures from the Industrial Revolution .You will answer questions about each day's person in your Social Studies google doc. Make sure to use complete sentences. You will do all research necessary on your own. You must answer the following questions.

1. What was this person's full name?

2. Where and when was this person born?

3. Where and when did this person die?

4. What was their importance to the Industrial Revolution?

5. What are 3 interesting facts about this person

John D. Rockefeller

12/3 Tuesday

1. Free Read- Grab those books and relax!

Sunday, December 1, 2019

12/2 Monday

Image result for turkey carcass

1. Read Theory-We are back! Time to get to work. I hope you guys are fully over your food comas. This week you will need to reach a goal of 100 points on Read Theory. Get started!

2. Cultural Literacy-Your new terms are on the board. They are due on Friday.

3. RL 7.3 Review-Before we start our new standard, lets review our last common assessment.

4. Class Novel-It has been quite awhile since we read. 

5. CNN 10-Do you think Carl even missed us?

6. Today in History-Go to the following website and look over some of the things that happened on this date in history. Pick 3 things which you think are important and send me an email (Titled: Today in History) explaining why you chose the 3 events that you did. Remember to fully explain your answers. My email is

7. Industrial Revolution-New day, new revolution!

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

11/26 Tuesday

1. Thanksgiving Quiz-How well do you know Thanksgiving? Take this Thanksgiving Quiz and find out...

Monday, November 25, 2019

11/25 Monday

1.  CNN 10-We will watch and discuss.

2. Revolutions-We are going to start our look at revolutions around the world.

3. Revolution Timeline-Head to the website TimeToast and create an account. You are going to use TimeToast to create an online French Revolution timeline. Your timeline should be grammatically correct and have at least 12 events. Each event needs to have a picture attached. Good luck! Au revoir...

Friday, November 22, 2019

11/22 Friday

1. Cultural Literacy Terms-Let's see what you got!

2. Common Assessment-The students that need to finish will do do now. If you are finished, quietly read.

3. LOGOS-Let's finish our prefixes for Lesson 13

4. Class Novel-Can we finally get back to our book?

5. CNN 10-We will watch and discuss.

6. Revolutions-We are going to start our look at revolutions around the world.

7. Revolution Timeline-Head to the website TimeToast and create an account. You are going to use TimeToast to create an online French Revolution timeline. Your timeline should be grammatically correct and have at least 12 events. Each event needs to have a picture attached. Good luck! Au revoir...

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

11/20 Wednesday

DID YOU KNOW...Cats spend 2/3 of their lives sleeping...lucky!!!

1. Game-Play Storyman! I insist...

2. Free Read-Relax, read, reflect...

3. Class Novel-Finish your quiz!

4. Class Novel-Let's read!

5. CNN 10-We will watch and discuss.

6. Revolutions-We are going to start our look at revolutions around the world.

7. Revolution Timeline-Head to the website TimeToast and create an account. You are going to use TimeToast to create an online French Revolution timeline. Your timeline should be grammatically correct and have at least 12 events. Each event needs to have a picture attached. Good luck! Au revoir...

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

11/19 Tuesday

1. Free Read-It's Tuesday, might as well read!

2. Ready NC-Let's go over our last story together.

3. Class Novel-Keep working on your quizzes.

4. Class Novel-Back to reading our novel.

5. CNN 10-Let's see what is new in our world!

Monday, November 18, 2019

11/18 Monday

1. Free Read-Let's ease back in to school with some free reading...

2. Storyboard That-Here is Storyboard That. Go to the site and create an awesome scene summary for The Most Dangerous Game. In case you somehow forgot our awesome story, here it is!

3. CNN 10-New News

4. Enlightenment-Before the changes come the people must be enlightened!

5. Age of Enlightenment Timeline-You are to go this timeline and read about the events of the Age of Enlightenment. Once you have read the information, send me an email titled "Enlightenment Events". In the email list and explain in your own words 5 events that happened during the Age of Enlightenment.

Friday, November 15, 2019

11/15 Friday

1. Free Rice-I'm hungry! How much is that rice? That Rice is Free

2. Cultural Literacy Terms-I'll be coming around the classroom and checking your work.

3. Ready NC-Time to finish your packets.

4. Class Novel-Back to it!

5. CNN 10-

Thursday, November 14, 2019

11/14 Thursday

DID YOU KNOW.....You can hear a blue whale's heartbeat from more than 2 miles away.

1. Free Read-Use this time wisely.

2. Ready NC-More work with our shiny new standard!

3. LOGOS-He's got more great prefixes for us!

4. Class Novel-Poor Salva!

5. CNN 10-New off the presses!

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

11/13 Wednesday

1. Free Read-Quietly read!

2. BONUS-The first student who correctly emails me with the answer to the following question will receive 5 bonus points on their next quiz or assignment! This should be in your OWN WORDS and not copied and pasted.

What were the names of all 7 dwarves from the Disney movie Snow White and the Seven Dwarves?

3. Ready NC-Back to our new standard.

4. Words the Power Within-I wonder how Logos has been...

5. Class Novel-Back to the Sudan!

6. CNN 10-Wednesdays are less awesome than Fridays!!

7. Scientific Revolution Timeline-Go to the link for a Scientific Revolution timeline. On a blank sheet of paper and using the timeline, create a fact sheet containing 20 facts that you learned from the time line.

11/12 Tuesday

1. Game Time- Try out the game called Popword! It's awesome!

2. ReadyNC-Time For our new lesson!

3. Class Novel-Here we go...

4. Words the Power Within-I wonder how Logos has been...

WIN TIME!!!!!! 

5. CNN 10-I hope you guys had a good, long weekend!

6. Social Studies Warm-Up-Answer the following question in your Norman Social Studies Google doc. Be sure to fully explain your answer.

What do you think when you hear the word "revolution"? Explain in your own words what you think the word "revolution" means.

7. Scientific Revolution-Today we will begin our unit on the Scientific Revolution. 



Friday, November 8, 2019

11/8 Friday

1. Free Read-Relax and Read!

2. Reading Log-Head over to your ELA Google doc and answer the following question about your book.

What is the setting of your book? Cite one sentence that describes the setting. How would the story be different if the setting was completely different?

3. Free Rice-Free Rice is a game we play every Friday. It's an awesome way to start the day!

4. Article of the Week-Let's finish up our work on our article.

5. Class Novel-Let's discuss our predictions.

6. CNN 10-AZUZ!!!!!!!


Image result for carl azuz"

7. Louis XIV-Finish your packet

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

11/7 Thursday

DID YOU KNOW.....The day was named after the Norse god of thunder Thor. In the Norse languages this day is called Torsdag.

1. Article of the Week-Let's read our article of the week and try to figure out our Main Idea. Then we will need to find that Main Idea some Supporting Details. Main Ideas get lonely too...

2. PCMS Student-If you are interested in joining student the PCMS Student Voice, head to this link and apply!

3. Google Doc-You are to create and share a new Google doc titled: First Name Last name-Long Walk to Water.

4. Judging a Book by its Cover-Below is the cover to our new class book. A cover is a very good way to try and determine what a book may be about. Using the cover below, make a list in your new Google doc of images and details you see on the cover. What do these images tell you about our book. Finally, based on the images and details on the cover, make predictions about our class book.

5. CNN 10-News is fresh today!

6. Absolute Monarchy Project-Now that we are done with our notes, it is your turn to do some research. You are to pick an absolute monarch (from the list below) and with a group of 2 or 3, create a google slide show that answers the following questions about your monarch.

-What country did your monarch rule?
-Who was ruler before?
-Who was the ruler after them?
-How long did they rule?
-How did their reign end?
-What wars were fought during their reign of power?

Your slideshow must be:
-At least 6 slides long
-Grammatically correct
-Factually accurate
-Visually appealing

Here is the list of monarchs you can chose from:
Elizabeth the 1st
Phillip the 2nd
Frederick the 1st
Catherine the Great
Charles the 11th

7. Versailles-Head to website1 and website2 to take virtual tours of the Palace of Versailles. Try not to bother any of the people!

Monday, November 4, 2019

11/4 Monday

1. Free Read-It's easy and it's free! Awesome!

2. Article of the Week-New week, new article!

3. Cultural Literacy Terms-This is something new that we will be starting this week. I will explain how it works.

4. Storyboard That-Head to this site and wait for my instructions.

5. CNN 10-News time!

6. Junior Scholastic-I need to check and make sure you guys finished this!

7. Absolute Monarchy Project-Now that we are done with our notes, it is your turn to do some research. You are to pick an absolute monarch (from the list below) and with a group of 2 or 3, create a google slide show that answers the following questions about your monarch.

-What country did your monarch rule?
-Who was ruler before?
-Who was the ruler after them?
-How long did they rule?
-How did their reign end?
-What wars were fought during their reign of power?

Your slideshow must be:
-At least 6 slides long
-Grammatically correct
-Factually accurate
-Visually appealing

Here is the list of monarchs you can chose from:
Elizabeth the 1st
Phillip the 2nd
Frederick the 1st
Catherine the Great
Charles the 11th

Thursday, October 31, 2019

11/1 Friday

Image result for rotten jack o'lantern 

1. Free Rice-Free Rice is a game we play every Friday. It's an awesome way to start the day!

2. The Raven-I will be reading our poem out loud. Wish me luck...

3. The Raven Activity-We have some work to do!

4. CNN 10-Time for some bad Halloween puns!

5. Junior Scholastic-Continue working on your almanac work from yesterday.

6. Absolute Monarchy Project
-Now that we are done with our notes, it is your turn to do some research. You are to pick an absolute monarch (from the list below) and with a group of 2 or 3, create a google slide show that answers the following questions about your monarch.

-What country did your monarch rule?
-Who was ruler before?
-Who was the ruler after them?
-How long did they rule?
-How did their reign end?
-What wars were fought during their reign of power?

Your slideshow must be:
-At least 6 slides long
-Grammatically correct
-Factually accurate
-Visually appealing

Here is the list of monarchs you can chose from:
Elizabeth the 1st
Phillip the 2nd
Frederick the 1st
Catherine the Great
Charles the 11th


1.Pumpkin Carving-One of the best, and smelliest, parts of Halloween is pumpkin carving. Head to this site and get to work.

2. Warm-Up-Creative Writing- Look at the following picture. Write a quick short story about the picture. Be creative! The mood for your story should be scary!

3. The Raven-There seems to be some confusion as to what is happening in our poem!

4. Study Island-Log in and get to work!

5. CNN 10-Time for some bad Halloween puns!

6.  Junior Scholastic-Continue working on your almanac work from yesterday.

7.  Absolute Monarchy Project-Now that we are done with our notes, it is your turn to do some research. You are to pick an absolute monarch (from the list below) and with a group of 2 or 3, create a google slide show that answers the following questions about your monarch.

-What country did your monarch rule?
-Who was ruler before?

-Who was the ruler after them?
-How long did they rule?
-How did their reign end?
-What wars were fought during their reign of power?

Your slideshow must be:
-At least 6 slides long
-Grammatically correct
-Factually accurate
-Visually appealing

Here is the list of monarchs you can chose from:

Elizabeth the 1st
Phillip the 2nd
Frederick the 1st
Catherine the Great
Charles the 11th

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

10/29 Tuesday

1. CNN 10-News time!

2. Today in History-Go to the following website and look over some of the things that happened on this date in history. Pick 3 things which you think are important and send me an email (Titled: Today in History) explaining why you chose the 3 events that you did. Remember to fully explain your answers. My email is

Thursday, October 24, 2019

10/24 Thursday

1.CNN 10-Newsy, news, news new....

2. Harriet Tubman-Let's learn a little bit more about this important abolitionist.

3. Study Island-Don't forget your sun tan lotion

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


1. CNN 10-Good's time for news!!!

2. Today in History-Go to the following website and look over some of the things that happened on this date in history. Pick 3 things which you think are important and send me an email (Titled: Today in History) explaining why you chose the 3 events that you did. Remember to fully explain your answers. My email is

3. Triangle Trade Facts- Go to the following websites. Read the information they contain about the Triangle Trade. Once you have visited all the websites, create on a blank piece of paper a Triangle Trade fact sheet. Your fact sheet should contain at least 20 facts. Your facts need to be written in complete sentences. Turn in once you have finished. The websites are here, here, and here.

4. Study Island-It is time to set sail...Study Island is beautiful this time of year....

Monday, October 21, 2019

10/22 Tuesday

1. Read Theory-Log in and await my instructions.


2. Words the power Within-We are going to finish our words/prefixes.

3. Halloween Horror!!!-Keep going on those stories! You need to pick from one of the following story starters to begin your story. Your story should be at least 296 words. Create a Halloween Google Doc and share with me.

Starter 1-I thought this was going to be another boring Halloween. When the zombies appeared, I knew I was wrong...

Starter 2-I had lived my entire life in the same small town. It was a quiet town. Then people started disappearing...

Starter 3-The first alien spaceship appeared last week. By today, the sky was full of them. We still had no idea what they wanted...

4. CNN 10-Time to check on the world.

5.  Triangle Trade-Today, we will begin looking at the Triangle Trade. Go to the following website and wait for my instructions.

6.Triangle Trade Facts- Go to the following websites. Read the information they contain about the Triangle Trade. Once you have visited all the websites, create on a blank piece of paper a Triangle Trade fact sheet. Your fact sheet should contain at least 20 facts. Your facts need to be written in complete sentences. Turn in once you have finished. The websites are here, here, and here.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

10/21 Monday

1. Free Read-Read and Relax!

2. ELA Google Doc.-Answer the following questions:

-What is the title of your book? What page are you on?

-Who is the main character of your book?

-What are some aspects of the main character that you relate to?

3. Read Theory-Log-in and wait for instructions.

4. CNN 10-Hope Carl isn't annoying today!

5. Triangle Trade-We are going to look at one of the worst after effects of the Columbian Exchange.

6. Triangle Trade-Today, we will begin looking at the Triangle Trade. Go to the following website and wait for my instructions.


Thursday, October 17, 2019

10/18 Friday

1. Free Read-Time to quietly read and enjoy yourselves.

2. Free Rice-Free Rice is a game we play every Friday. It's an awesome way to start the day!

3. The Lottery-After some thought on the subject, I have to read our story aloud instead of having you guys read it. Let's go!

4. CNN 10-What's happening in the world? Let's find out!

5. What's For Dinner?-Time to finish our assignment. Using the following links, tell me whether your individual ingredients (from your shopping list) are from the Old World or the New World. The links are here, here, and here.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

10/17 Thursday

1. Creative Writing-Before we start our short story today, I want us to look a video that might help us creating a more suspenseful story.

2.Warm-Up-Creative Writing- Look at the following picture. Write a quick short story about the picture. Be creative! Make sure your story is suspenseful.

3. Words Power Within-We are going to continue working on Lesson 12

4. Edulastic-Log-in and wait.

5. The Lottery-Back to our short story

6. Examination of Christopher Columbus-Let's take a closer look at old Chris. Was he a hero or a zero?

7. Explorers-You guys are going to put on your research caps and learn some more about some famous explorers. Head to this site. Pick 5 explorers from the list. Create a Google Slide Show titled YOUR NAME-EXPLORERS. For each explorer you picked, you need to answer the following questions in your slide show. Make sure you answer in COMPLETE SENTENCES!!!!! Your slide show should be at least 6 pages and include a title page.

Question 1-What is the explorer's name/When did they live?

Question 2-Where was the explorer from?

Question 3-What was the explorer known for/What did they discover?

List 5 interesting facts about this explorer.

8. Google Earth- Head to this link and take this spooky quiz!