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Sunday, December 1, 2019

12/2 Monday

Image result for turkey carcass

1. Read Theory-We are back! Time to get to work. I hope you guys are fully over your food comas. This week you will need to reach a goal of 100 points on Read Theory. Get started!

2. Cultural Literacy-Your new terms are on the board. They are due on Friday.

3. RL 7.3 Review-Before we start our new standard, lets review our last common assessment.

4. Class Novel-It has been quite awhile since we read. 

5. CNN 10-Do you think Carl even missed us?

6. Today in History-Go to the following website and look over some of the things that happened on this date in history. Pick 3 things which you think are important and send me an email (Titled: Today in History) explaining why you chose the 3 events that you did. Remember to fully explain your answers. My email is

7. Industrial Revolution-New day, new revolution!

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