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Wednesday, November 6, 2019

11/7 Thursday

DID YOU KNOW.....The day was named after the Norse god of thunder Thor. In the Norse languages this day is called Torsdag.

1. Article of the Week-Let's read our article of the week and try to figure out our Main Idea. Then we will need to find that Main Idea some Supporting Details. Main Ideas get lonely too...

2. PCMS Student-If you are interested in joining student the PCMS Student Voice, head to this link and apply!

3. Google Doc-You are to create and share a new Google doc titled: First Name Last name-Long Walk to Water.

4. Judging a Book by its Cover-Below is the cover to our new class book. A cover is a very good way to try and determine what a book may be about. Using the cover below, make a list in your new Google doc of images and details you see on the cover. What do these images tell you about our book. Finally, based on the images and details on the cover, make predictions about our class book.

5. CNN 10-News is fresh today!

6. Absolute Monarchy Project-Now that we are done with our notes, it is your turn to do some research. You are to pick an absolute monarch (from the list below) and with a group of 2 or 3, create a google slide show that answers the following questions about your monarch.

-What country did your monarch rule?
-Who was ruler before?
-Who was the ruler after them?
-How long did they rule?
-How did their reign end?
-What wars were fought during their reign of power?

Your slideshow must be:
-At least 6 slides long
-Grammatically correct
-Factually accurate
-Visually appealing

Here is the list of monarchs you can chose from:
Elizabeth the 1st
Phillip the 2nd
Frederick the 1st
Catherine the Great
Charles the 11th

7. Versailles-Head to website1 and website2 to take virtual tours of the Palace of Versailles. Try not to bother any of the people!

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