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Tuesday, October 9, 2018

10/9 Tuesday

1. Article of the Week-Time for our 2nd read.

2. Article of the Week Context Vocabulary-We will be using context clues to try to define some challenging vocabulary

3. Short Story-Time for our new short story.

4. FreeRead-Relax and Read!

5. CNN Student News-News time!

6. Social Studies Warm-up-Answer the following question in your Norman Social Studies notebook

The next period of history that we will cover is called the Renaissance. The Renaissance is a French word that means "rebirth".What do you think the Renaissance might be a rebirth of?
7. Renaissance-Today we will start our Renaissance unit.

8. Sistine Chapel-Take an awesome 3D tour of one of the most famous works of art from the Renaissance. Just go to the following link.

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