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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

5/27 Wednesday

1. Game Time-Games, games, games!!!!!

Word Confusion
Joy Words
Before and After
Word Craze.
Eight Letter Game
Synonym Toast
Sentence Unscramble.

2. Election Fever-We will use this time to go over the Election Fever passage.

3. Plug-In Cars-Use this time to finish your second passage.

4. EOG Practice-Head over to this website and complete the first 4 tests. We will go over them as a class.

5. Most Dangerous Game-Today we will begin our final story for the year. Click here for the story.

6.Channel One-We are going to watch Channel One news. Afterwards, you are to got to your Social Studies google doc and answer the following questions about the newscast. Remember to use complete sentences, and fully explain your answers.

1. What were the stories on today's newscast?

2. Which story did you find most interesting?

3. What was interesting about this story?

7. Great Depression-We are going to finish up looking at the Great Depression today. The following article contains an excellent overview of the Depression. Read carefully!

8. Great Depression Questions- On a blank sheet of paper, answer the following questions  You do not have to rewrite the question, but your answers need to be in complete sentences.

1. Who was the President of the United States when the Great Depression began?

2. What happened on October 29th, 1929?

3. Why was this depression so hard on farmers?

4. What does the quote "ride the rails" refer to?

5. What was a "Hoover Wagon"?

6. What U.S. President created the New Deal?

7. Name two different New Deal programs.

8. What finally ended the Great Depression? Explain why it did.

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