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Monday, December 1, 2014

12/1 Monday

1. Warm-Up-In your Norman Language Arts Google doc, answer the following question. Make sure to date your post, fully explain your answer, and use complete sentences.


2. Weekly Vocabulary-This week you have 5 words, so naturally you are to do a 5x5x5.

*Directions: Write each word and its definition five times. When finished, create a paragraph with at least five sentences that uses all five words correctly. Make sure to underline the vocabulary words in your created paragraph.

1. aptitude -- the ability to learn or understand something quickly

2. attentive -- paying careful attention to the concerns of others; being considerate

3. banish -- to force or leave a country or place; exile

4. barricade -- an obstacle used to block

5. bluff -- using a false display of confidence to trick or deceive someone

3. Main Idea-Let's keep working on Main Idea.

4. Scope Magazine-We will be starting our new article!

5. Reading Time-Take this time to quietly read your books.

6. Food Presentation-Let's present!

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