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Monday, November 17, 2014

11/17 Monday

1. BONUS-The first student who correctly emails me with the answer to the following question will receive 5 bonus points on their next quiz or assignment! This should be in your OWN WORDS and not copied and pasted.

Who was the first man to walk on the moon and what year did he do it?

2. Warm-Up-In your Norman Language Arts google doc, answer the following question. Make sure to date your post, fully explain your answer, and use complete sentences
3. Main Idea-We are going to go back and spend this week reviewing Main Idea.

4. Main Idea Activity-Let's do a Main Idea activity together.

5. Weekly Vocabulary-Here are your new vocab. words. They are from a new short story which we will begin after Christmas Break.

6. Weekly Vocabulary 3-2-1-Use all of your words to complete your 3-2-1 assignment. Here are the instructions:
Write each word 3 times
Write each word and definition 2 times
 Write 1 sentence using each of your vocab words (make sure you underline the vocabulary word)

7. Scope Magazine-We have a new article. You will take the rest of class to read the article with your small group.

8. Social Studies Warm-Up-Answer the following question in your Norman Social Studies Google doc.
What is one way in which America was changed by the Age of Exploration. Was it a change for the good or for the bad? Be sure to fully explain your answers.

9. Food Project-In groups of 2 or 3, you will be creating a Google presentation on a certain food. I will be selecting each group's food. You will thoroughly research your food and use the information you find to answer the following questions:

-Name of Food
-Other names for the food
-Country of origin (where did it come from)
-Number consumed each year
-Various uses for food
-Different varieties of food
-One awesome recipe using your food!

Your presentation should be at least 9 slides (including a title page.) You should also include pictures.

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