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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

4/9 Wednesday

1. Game Time-It's time to play our games!
Joy Words
Before and After
Word Craze.
Eight Letter Game
Synonym Toast
Sentence Unscramble.

2. MDG-Head over to ActivelyLearn and get reading.

3. MDG Weekly Project-Take this time to work on those slides some more.

4. Question Rewording-We are going to practice our question rewording skills.

5. Learning Farm-If time permits, we will be checking out a new site called Learning Farm.

6. Social Studies Warm-Up-Answer the following question in your Norman Social Studies Google doc. Be sure to fully explain your answer.

What impact do you think the Industrial Revolution may have had on World War 1?

7.Imperialism-Today we are going to look at Imperialism, which was one of the causes of World War 1.

8. Imperialism Video-We are now going to watch a video on the subject of Imperialism. Pay close attention!

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