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Monday, April 21, 2014



We've only got a couple of months left of school! Let's make them awesome...

1. ELA Warm-up Writing-In your Language Arts Google doc, answer the following question. Be sure to provide details and use complete sentences.

What are 5 memorable things that happened during your Easter Break? These do not have to be all good things. Give me your list and explain what made them memorable.

2. Weekly Vocabulary-You are to pick 7 words from our class story (Most Dangerous Game) to be your weekly vocabulary words. Now you can't complain about the definitions being too long! Follow these steps:
a. Go to and create an account.

b. Head over to ActivelyLearn and pick 7 challenging words from your story. Make sure your words aren't too easy and are not ones we have already done.

c. On a piece of paper, make a list of your words.

d. Go back to Quizlet and use your words to create a set. (I will walk everyone through this).

e. Use your words to create your Weekly Vocabualry project.

3. Vocabulary Word Boxes- This week you will be using all 7 of your vocab. words to create 7 Vocab Boxes. In case you forgot, here are the directions:

4. NC Write-Continue working on your NC Write Free Write.

5. Word Connotations- We will start look at the different connotations that words can have.

6. World War 1 Causes-We are going to start looking at the causes of WW1.

7.  Create-a-Timeline- You are going to pick 12 World War 1 causes and events and place them on a timeline you will be creating using TimeToast. We will discuss as a class how to sign up and following is a tutorial video.

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