2. Weekly Vocabulary-We are going to try again to pick our own words from our class story. If Actively Learn is still acting wonky, then we will try something else. Here again are your instructions:
b. Head over to ActivelyLearn and pick 5 challenging words from your story. Make sure your words aren't too easy and are not ones we have already done.
c. On a piece of paper, make a list of your words.
d. Go back to Quizlet and use your words to create a set. (I will walk everyone through this).
e. Use your words to create your Weekly Vocabualry project.
3. Weekly Vocabulary-This week you will be using your words to create a 5x5x5.
4. Persuasive Writing-We are going to begin looking at persuasive writing. Good persuasive writing can be hard to do but gets easier with practice. Remember...your goal is to PERSUADE somebody!
5. Persuasive Writing Tips-Go to the the websites here and here and read the tips they contain on persuasive writing. Then send me an email titled "Persuasive Writing." In that email you should tell me as much as you can about persuasive writing. I should be able to tell that you understand the subject.
6. Most Dangerous Game-Let's finally get back to reading.
7. World War 1-We are going to continue looking at this period in time.
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