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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

12/3 Tuesday

Thanksgiving is over.....but Christmas is closer than ever!!!!!

1. Warm-Up-In your Norman Language Arts Google doc, answer the following question. Make sure to date your post, fully explain your answer, and use complete sentences.


2. Weekly Vocabulary-This week you have 5 words, so naturally you are to do a 5x5x5.

*Directions: Write each word and its definition five times. When finished, create a paragraph with at least five sentences that uses all five words correctly. Make sure to underline the vocabulary words in your created paragraph.

1. aptitude -- the ability to learn or understand something quickly

2. attentive -- paying careful attention to the concerns of others; being considerate

3. banish -- to force or leave a country or place; exile

4. barricade -- an obstacle used to block

5. bluff -- using a false display of confidence to trick or deceive someone

3. The Outsiders-We have taken our first Outsiders Quiz. The results were lower than I had expected...but considering that this is the Christmas season, I am going to give you a gift. Take this time to go over your quiz and see what you missed. Correct your mistakes and I will change your grade! If you are happy with your score, then take this time to read.

4. Glogster - Today we will practice using Glogster. I think you should create your own account and make sure you add your user name and password to your password sheet.

You have options for signing up:

You may have made an account in 6th grade. Try to use that one. If you forgot your password or user name, try to sign in and click "forgot." They'll send your information to your email.
Sign up for a free student account. My educator code is 7BUCA4
Sign in with your Google Account. It's in the type right corner.
After getting signed in, please start a new glog. We'll have a little contest. Your job is to create a glog on Pamlico Middle School. Your interactive poster should be creative and highlight all of the good things at Pamlico Middle.

For today, do not use any videos on your glog. No YouTube searching is needed today.

When finished, you will put the URL to your glog in my class dropbox (I will show/model this for you). Make sure that your glog is public and can be viewed by others.

5. Independent Reading-It's time we got back to reading our library books. Take this time to quietly read your books.

6. Social Studies Warm-Up-Answer the following question in your Norman Social Studies Google doc. Remember to fully explain your answers.

What do you think the term "global trade" means? Explain your answer.

7.China-Before we begin our unit on Global Trade, it is important that we learn more about the regions involved. Grab a Blue Book from the shelf. Go to page 506 and start reading. Answer the questions found on page 509 on a blank sheet of paper. If you finish this before the end of class, then move on to Section 2 starting on page 510. Answer the section 2 questions found on page 515.

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