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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

12/17 Tuesday

1. Warm-Up-Creative Writing- Look at the following picture. Write a quick short story about the picture. Be creative and try to include some of your weekly vocabulary words.

2. Weekly Vocab-Use this time to finish your sentences. If you are finished, use this time to study and play some Quizlet games.

3. NC Write-Either finish or revise your story from yesterday. Remember our goal is a score of 30!

4. Gift of the Magi-Today we will finish reading our short story. When we have finished we will complete a worksheet.

5. Christmas Word Search-Using graph paper given to you by Mr. Norman, you will select 12 Christmas related words, and then use those words to create a Christmas Word Search.

6. Christmas Across the Globe-Christmas is celebrated all over the world. For this assignment, you will research Christmas celebrations different from your own. You will then create a Christmas Tradition Google doc on which you will include at least 20 facts, pictures, videos, songs, and other things detailing different kinds of celebrations.

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