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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

12/18 Wednesday

1. Game Time-Today we will once again be using the website FitBrains.

2. Holiday Infographic - Take a look at the following infographics. You will write three EOG like questions on paper for each infographic. You will also need an answer key.

-Christmas Dinner Infographic
-Holiday Misgivings Infographic
-The Most Popular Holidays Toys Infographic

3. Holiday Fun- Below are several links which will help get you in the holiday mood!! Enjoy!

4 Holiday Essay - You may select one of the following prompts for your essay topic.  Your essay should have four paragraphs and contain at least 25 sentences.  Please complete it on paper and proofread it before turning in.

Choice 1 -- What does it mean to have the "holiday spirit"?  You should include many examples and details to help support your views.

Choice 2 -- What are you and your family most grateful for this holiday season?  Why?

Choice 3 -- What are five things you could do to help someone less fortunate on Christmas?  

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