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Thursday, February 27, 2020

2/26 Thursday

1. Warm-up Creative Write-Look at the picture, write a story in your ELA google doc. Your story needs to be fiction and written in First person Point of View. Your mood needs to be spooky.

2. Class Novel-Let's get started with our new novel.

3. Discussion Questions-Head to your Animal Farm Google Doc and answer the questions on the board.

4. Article of the Week-Our article will deal with a curious thing called "herd behavior"

5. CNN 10-Carl's about to drop some knowledge!
6. History Research-Today you are going to be flexing those research muscles and writing a research paper. You are going to pick one thing that you absolutely love, and then you are going to research that thing. You will need to find out who created your item, when and where it was created and any other important information you can think of. You will then need to take that information and write a 300 word research essay on Google docs. Title your doc "History Research"

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