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Sunday, February 9, 2020

2/10 Monday

I knew I shouldn't have spent all that time in Wuhan Province...

As you can see, I am out again, but this time I am going to the doctor to figure out how best to treat Coronavirus. Keep your fingers crossed!

1. Newsela-You have 2 new articles to read and complete the activities on. Get busy!

2. The Run-Is it time for part 3?

3. Quizlet-Use this time to study your EOG words. I guarantee you will see these words on the EOG.

4. Black History Month-February is Black History Month. To celebrate, we will look at prominent African Americans and examine their impact on history.

Today we will look at George Washington Carver. Go to each of the links here and here and use the information to answer the following questions in a new Google doc titled "Black History Month". Answer each question using complete sentences.

1. What is this person's full name?

2. When was this person born? Where were they born? Are they still alive?

3. Why were they so important?

4. What are some interesting facts about this person?

5. Food of the Renaissance-Today we are going to examine the foods of the Renaissance. Your assignment is to go to the following links, read them, and create a Google doc entitled "Renaissance Food." Be sure to share it with me. In that doc I want you to first tell me what you thought about the foods of the Renaissance. Be sure to fully explain your answers. Then I want you to give me 12 facts that you learned from these websites.

Links: hereherehere, and here

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