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Monday, October 14, 2019

10/14 Monday

1. Free Read-Relax and read! In that order.

2. Reading Log-In your ELA Google Doc., answer the following question;

What is the name of the book you are currently reading? Who is the author? What page are you on? Are you enjoying the book? If not, why?

3. Ready NC-We need to finish our lesson from last week.

4. Shorty Story-Tomorrow we start a new story.

5. Read Theory-Back to it!

6. CNN 10-New news!

7. Age of Exploration-Let's explore our newest unit...

8. Explorers-You guys are going to put on your research caps and learn some more about some famous explorers. Head to this site. Pick 5 explorers from the list. Create a Google Slide Show titled YOUR NAME-EXPLORERS. For each explorer you picked, you need to answer the following questions in your slide show. Make sure you answer in COMPLETE SENTENCES!!!!! Your slide show should be at least 6 pages and include a title page.

Question 1-What is the explorer's name/When did they live?

Question 2-Where was the explorer from?

Question 3-What was the explorer known for/What did they discover?

List 5 interesting facts about this explorer.

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