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Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Thursday 2/20

DID YOU KNOW.....The day was named after the Norse god of thunder Thor. In the Norse languages this day is called Torsdag.

1. Small Groups-Today we are going to be working mostly in our small groups. So get with your groups and wait for instructions

NEWSELA small group questions

2.  CNN Student News-
Time for news!

3. Black History Month-Today I want you to research and find out anything you can about Malcolm X. Put the information you find into your Black History Month Google doc.

4. French Revolution Timeline-I am done talking about the French Revolution. Now you guys are to do some research and create a French Revolution Timeline. You have 4 options you can use to present your info. Your timeline should include at least 10 events and should be factually and grammatically correct.



Google Slides

Create an Illustrated Timeline

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