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Thursday, February 21, 2019

2/22 Friday

1. Free Read-Before we start reading, I need you guys to create and share a Google doc titled Reading Journal. In your doc, you need to tell me the name of the book you are currently reading, who wrote it and what page you are on.

2. Class Novel-What happened to Marial?

3.Benchmark Practice-Let's start getting ready!

4. CNN Student News-Time for news! 

5. Black History Month-Today I want you to research and find out anything you can about Malcolm X. Put the information you find into your Black History Month Google doc.

6. French Revolution Timeline-I am done talking about the French Revolution. Now you guys are to do some research and create a French Revolution Timeline. You have 4 options you can use to present your info. Your timeline should include at least 10 events and should be factually and grammatically correct.



Google Slides

Create an Illustrated Timeline

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