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Tuesday, December 4, 2018

12/5 Wednesday

1. Article of the Week-Let's see if we figure out  the main idea and supporting details.

2. Tradition-Let's discuss traditions before we start our short story.

3. The Lottery-Time for our story

4. Free Read-Time to read!

5. CNN Student News-Let's see what's happening in the world.

6. Triangle Trade-Today, we will begin looking at the Triangle Trade. Go to the following website and wait for my instructions.

7. Triangle Trade Facts- Go to the following websites. Read the information they contain about the Triangle Trade. Once you have visited all the websites, create on a blank piece of paper a Triangle Trade fact sheet. Your fact sheet should contain at least 20 facts. Your facts need to be written in complete sentences. Turn in once you have finished. The websites are here, here, and here.

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