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Sunday, December 9, 2018

12/10 Monday

As you can see I am not in class today. However, I have placed cameras in the room, and I am watching you all from my house (sit down DJ!!)

Please follow Mrs. Gordon's instructions and try not to burn the place down while I'm gone...


1. Article of the Week-You will be getting your new article today. Like we always do on Mondays, do your first read. If you need a highlighter to mark your confusion, kindly inform Mrs. Gordon that they are in my desk drawer and ask her if you may borrow one. When you have finished your first read, put your article somewhere safe.

2. Ready NC-With or without me, we are beginning a new standard. We are starting R.I. 7.2. That standard is all about finding main ideas in informational texts. Easy peasy leamon squeezey. Grab a Ready NC packet and get to work!

3. Free Read-If you finish numbers 1 and 2, then grab your books and quietly read. 


4. Junior Scholastic-Grab a magazine and a worksheet from Mrs. Gordon and get to work. If you finish, turn it in and find something quiet to do.

1 comment:

  1. do we do all of ready nc i read the the but i didnt understand so we just do it all
