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Friday, February 16, 2018

2/20 Tuesday

1. Warm-up Creative Write-Look at the picture, write a story in your ELA google doc. Your story needs to be fiction and written from the alligator's perspective. Your mood needs to be exciting.

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2. Class Novel Questions-Here are your next set of questions from our class novel. Make sure to answer them in your Long Walk to Water google doc.

3. Class Novel-Time to read.

4. Text Structure-We are going to begin looking at our next standard.

5.Channel One-
We are going to watch Channel One news. Afterwards, you are to got to your Social Studies google doc and answer the following questions about the newscast. Remember to use complete sentences, and fully explain your answers.

1. What were the stories on today's newscast?

2. Explain how each story might impact your life.

6. Black History Month-February is Black History Month. To celebrate, we will look at prominent African Americans and examine their impact on history.

Today we will look at George Washington Carver. Go to each of the links here and here and use the information to answer the following questions in a new Google doc titled "Black History Month". Answer each question using complete sentences.

1. What is this person's full name?

2. When was this person born? Where were they born? Are they still alive?

3. Why were they so important?

4. What are some interesting facts about this person?

7. English Civil War-Go to the following websites here and here. Read the information about the English Civil War. On a blank piece of paper titled "English Civil War" list 20 facts about this period of history. Make sure your facts are in complete sentences.

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