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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

10/19 Thursday

1. Article Review-Read the following article . After reading, write a quick review of the article in your Language Arts Google doc. Your review should answer the following questions:

-What was the article's main idea? Supporting details?

-What was one thing about the article that you found fascinating? Explain your answer.

-If you were to rename this article, what name would you choose and why?

2. Theme Review-Let's see what we remember.

3. Theme-Time to practice them skills!

4. ClassWorks-We are trying desperately to get ClassWorks working. Log-in and see what you can do.

5. Channel One-We are going to watch Channel One news. Afterwards, you are to got to your Social Studies google doc and answer the following questions about the newscast. Remember to use complete sentences, and fully explain your answers.

1. What were the stories on today's newscast?

2. Explain how each story might impact your life.

6. Unit 2 Vocabulary-Here are your vocabulary words for our 2nd unit. You should already be familiar with most of these words. You will be quizzed on them soon.   

7. Age of Exploration-So far we have covered the periods of history known as the Reformation and the Renaissance. Now we are moving on to my favorite period of time! We will spend the next few weeks covering The Age of Exploration.

Now, go the the following link. Follow the directions and complete the assignment. When you have finished, we will discuss. 

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