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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

11/25 Tuesday

1. Warm-Up-Creative Writing- Look at the following picture. Write a quick short story about the picture. Be creative and try to include some of your weekly vocabulary words.

2. Proper Table Setting-Take a minute to look at this proper table setting. This is how fancy-pants people eat. What do you think about this table setting?

3. Thanksgiving Mad-Lib-Here is the link for a Thanksgiving themed Mad-Lib. Take your time and create 3 awesome Mad-Libs. 

4. NC Write-Keep working on your Perfect Thanksgiving prompt.

5. Thanksgiving Quiz-How well do you know Thanksgiving? Take this Thanksgiving Quiz and find out...

6. The First Thanksgiving-Take some time to read this article. On a sheet of paper, write 7 things from the article that you found interesting, shocking, or confusing. Make sure to write in complete sentences.

7. Thanksgiving Word search-Lets just relax with a word search...

8. Incredibox-Take some to try out this awesome site. Who can create the best song?

Monday, November 24, 2014

11/24 Monday

1. Warm-Up-In your Norman Language Arts google doc, answer the following question. Make sure to date your post, fully explain your answer, and use complete sentences

2. Main Idea-Let's continue reviewing Main Idea.

3. NC Write-Head over to NC Write and complete the prompt titled "The Perfect Thanksgiving.' Your essay should be at least 125 words.

4. Analyze the Quote-Read the following quotes. In your Language Arts Google doc, analyze each quote. What do you think the speaker meant? Why do you think this? Remember to write in complete sentences and to fully explain your answers.

-"My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."

-"Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names."

-"The greater our knowledge increases the more our ignorance unfolds."

5. Social Studies Warm-Up-Answer the following question in your Norman Social Studies Google doc. Be sure to fully explain your answers.

Have you ever heard of John F. Kennedy? If you have what do you know about him? If not, what can you guess about this important person?

6. JFK-Saturday was the 51st anniversary of the death of President John F. Kennedy. Go to the following websites and read about JFK. The websites are here, here and here. Using the information on these sites, answer the following questions on a sheet of paper. (Remember to answer in complete sentences.)

1. John F. Kennedy was the ______ President of the United States. ( I am looking for a number)

2. Was JFK a Democrat or a Republican?

3. Where was JFK born?

4. Where did JFK go to college?

5. How, when, and where did JFK die?

6. Who became president after JFK died?

7. What branch of the military was JFK a member of?

8. How many children did JFK have? What were their names?

9. What is Communism?

10. How old was JFK when he was elected president?

7. JFK Timeline-The website Esri Media has an awesome interactive timeline on the life of John F. Kennedy. Use this time to browse the timeline, watch the videos, and learn all you can about Kennedy.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

11/21 Friday

1. Free Rice Friday-It's know what to do! Free Rice time! Score to beat....

2. Weekly Vocab-I will be taking up your 3-2-1s in 10 minutes.

3. Vocab. Quiz-I hope you are ready!

4. Learning Farm-Head back over to Learning Farm and try to bring up your scores on Main Idea.

5. Scope-We have one more activity from our 2 articles.

6. Food Project-In groups of 2 or 3, you will be creating a Google presentation on a certain food. I will be selecting each group's food. You will thoroughly research your food and use the information you find to answer the following questions:
-Name of Food
-Other names for the food
-Country of origin (where did it come from)
-Number consumed each year
-Various uses for food
-Different varieties of food
-One awesome recipe using your food!

Your presentation should be at least 9 slides (including a title page.) You should also include pictures.

11/20 Thursday

1. Article Review-Read the following article. After reading, write a quick review of the article in your Language Arts Google doc. Your review should answer the following questions:

-Did you like the article? Explain your answer

-What was the topic of the article?

-What was the article's main idea? Supporting details?

-What was one thing about the article that you found fascinating? Explain your answer

2. Main Idea Passage-We are going to take some time to review the passage from yesterday.

3. Scope-Work in your small groups on a Scope activity

4. Weekly Vocab-Take this time to either work on those 3-2-1s and/or study your words.

5. NC Write-This is our last day to work on your Opening a New Store prompt.

6. BrainPop Quiz-Let's see what you remember.

7. Food Project-In groups of 2 or 3, you will be creating a Google presentation on a certain food. I will be selecting each group's food. You will thoroughly research your food and use the information you find to answer the following questions:

-Name of Food
-Other names for the food
-Country of origin (where did it come from)
-Number consumed each year
-Various uses for food
-Different varieties of food
-One awesome recipe using your food!

Your presentation should be at least 9 slides (including a title page.) You should also include pictures.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


1. Game Time- HumpDay means Gametime!

Word Craze.
Eight Letter Game
Synonym Toast
Sentence Unscramble.

2. Reading Passage-Make sure you take good Close Reading notes.

3. Main Idea Game-Here is a link to a Main Idea game. Give it a shot!

4. Scope-Work in your small groups on a Scope activity

5. Independent Reading-Grab your books and quietly read.

6. BrainPop-We are going to watch a Columbian Exchange BrainPop

7. Food Project-In groups of 2 or 3, you will be creating a Google presentation on a certain food. I will be selecting each group's food. You will thoroughly research your food and use the information you find to answer the following questions:

-Name of Food
-Other names for the food
-Country of origin (where did it come from)
-Number consumed each year
-Various uses for food
-Different varieties of food
-One awesome recipe using your food!

Your presentation should be at least 9 slides (including a title page.) You should also include pictures.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

11/18 Tuesday

1. Warm-Up-Creative Writing- Look at the following picture. Write a quick short story about the picture. Be creative and try to include some of your weekly vocabulary words.

2. MobyMax-Head over to MobyMax and work on Reading Skills Informational.

3. Weekly Vocab-Keep working on your 3-2-1s.

4. NC Write-Head back to NC Write and keep working on your "Opening a New Store" prompt.

5. Scope-Get back with your groups and finish our new article.

6. Social Studies Warm-Up-Answer the following question in your Norman Social Studies Google doc. Be sure to fully explain your answers.

Which food would you have missed most if the Columbian Exchange had not have happened?

7. Food Project-In groups of 2 or 3, you will be creating a Google presentation on a certain food. I will be selecting each group's food. You will thoroughly research your food and use the information you find to answer the following questions:

-Name of Food
-Other names for the food
-Country of origin (where did it come from)
-Number consumed each year
-Various uses for food
-Different varieties of food
-One awesome recipe using your food!

Your presentation should be at least 9 slides (including a title page.) You should also include pictures.

Monday, November 17, 2014

11/17 Monday

1. BONUS-The first student who correctly emails me with the answer to the following question will receive 5 bonus points on their next quiz or assignment! This should be in your OWN WORDS and not copied and pasted.

Who was the first man to walk on the moon and what year did he do it?

2. Warm-Up-In your Norman Language Arts google doc, answer the following question. Make sure to date your post, fully explain your answer, and use complete sentences
3. Main Idea-We are going to go back and spend this week reviewing Main Idea.

4. Main Idea Activity-Let's do a Main Idea activity together.

5. Weekly Vocabulary-Here are your new vocab. words. They are from a new short story which we will begin after Christmas Break.

6. Weekly Vocabulary 3-2-1-Use all of your words to complete your 3-2-1 assignment. Here are the instructions:
Write each word 3 times
Write each word and definition 2 times
 Write 1 sentence using each of your vocab words (make sure you underline the vocabulary word)

7. Scope Magazine-We have a new article. You will take the rest of class to read the article with your small group.

8. Social Studies Warm-Up-Answer the following question in your Norman Social Studies Google doc.
What is one way in which America was changed by the Age of Exploration. Was it a change for the good or for the bad? Be sure to fully explain your answers.

9. Food Project-In groups of 2 or 3, you will be creating a Google presentation on a certain food. I will be selecting each group's food. You will thoroughly research your food and use the information you find to answer the following questions:

-Name of Food
-Other names for the food
-Country of origin (where did it come from)
-Number consumed each year
-Various uses for food
-Different varieties of food
-One awesome recipe using your food!

Your presentation should be at least 9 slides (including a title page.) You should also include pictures.

Friday, November 14, 2014

11/14 Friday

1. Free Rice Friday-It's know what to do! Free Rice time! Score to beat....

2. Benchmark Review-Let's look at one more passage.

3. Beats-Let's have a little bit of fun! Beats

4. Weekly Vocabulary-Finish up your 7x7x7s.

5. Scope-Work on that newest article.

6. NC Write-Take this time to work on your "Opening a New Store" prompt.

7. Gold!-We are going to complete a reading passage all about gold! Don't forget your close reading.

8. NC Write-. Head over to NC Write and work on the prompt titled "Columbian Exchange." Your essay should be at least 100 words. You may use your notes to help you complete this prompt.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

11/13 Thursday

1. Article Review-Read the following article. After reading, write a quick review of the article in your Language Arts Google doc. Your review should answer the following questions:

-Did you like the article? Explain your answer

-What was the topic of the article?

-What was the article's main idea? Supporting details?

-What was one thing about the article that you found fascinating? Explain your answer

2. Benchmark Review-Let's review our second passage.

3. Weekly Vocabulary-Keep working on your 7x7x7

4. Scope-We are going to start our new article. Do you believe?

5. NC Write-We are going to continue working on our newest prompt.

6. What Happened to Columbus?-By now we all know about Columbus and his famous voyage but what happened afterward? Use this fact sheet to find out. Thoroughly read the fact sheet. When you have finished reading, on a blank sheet of paper write 20 facts contained on the site. Remember to write in complete sentences.

7. NC Write-We are going to work on our first ever Social Studies NC Write. Head over to NC Write and work on the prompt titled "Columbian Exchange." Your essay should be at least 100 words. You may use your notes to help you complete this prompt.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

11/12 Wednesday

1. Game Time- It's that time!

Word Craze.
Eight Letter Game
Synonym Toast
Sentence Unscramble.

2. Benchmark Review-Let's begin taking a look at our benchmarks.

3. Weekly Vocabulary-Keep working on your 7x7x7

4. Scope-We are going to start a new magazine and a new article.

5. NC Write-We are going to continue working on our newest prompt.

6. Social Studies Warm-Up-Answer the following question in your Norman Social Studies Google doc.

What was something you learned about the items involved in the Columbian Exchange that surprised you?

7. What Happened to Columbus?-By now we all know about Columbus and his famous voyage but what happened afterward? Use this fact sheet to find out. Thoroughly read the fact sheet. When you have finished reading, on a blank sheet of paper write 20 facts contained on the site. Remember to write in complete sentences.

Monday, November 10, 2014

11/10 Monday

1. Warm-Up-In your Norman Language Arts google doc, answer the following question. Make sure to date your post, fully explain your answer, and use complete sentences

2. Weekly Vocabulary-We are going to do things a bit different this week. YOU are going to pick your words. Grab your library book and look for 7 words that you may not be sure what they mean. These are your weekly vocabulary words. Make sure you have chosen words that are not too easy (do not chose words such as the or and)

3. Create-a-Quizlet-You must now log in to Quizlet and create a set using your words. I will walk you through this.

4. 7x7x7-This week, we will be using our words to create a 7x7x7. This works just like 5x5x5 except you use two more words. Here are the directions:

*Directions: Write each word and its definition seven times. When finished, create a paragraph with at least seven sentences that uses all seven words correctly. Make sure to underline the vocabulary words in your created paragraph.

5. Benchmark Review-Now that we have those benchmarks behind us, let's take some time to review.

6. NC Write-You will be starting a new prompt this week. Head over to NC Write and complete the prompt titled "Opening a New Store." Your essay should be at least 150 words.

7. Social Studies Warm-Up-Answer the following question in your Norman Social Studies Google doc.

What did you eat yesterday? Make a list of everything you had.

8. Columbian Exchange-We will begin discussing the Columbian Exchange and the impact it had on the entire world. Look at this chart which details some of the items involved in the Exchange. When you have finished looking at the chart, review the following picture detailing the Exchange. Does anything surprise you?

Friday, November 7, 2014

11/7 Friday

1. Would-You-Rather- Answer all three "would you rather" questions in your Language Arts Google Doc. Make sure to fully explain your answers.

Be the president or a king?

Write a bestselling novel, or hit a homerun in the World Series?

Go to Alaska or Hawaii?

2. Free Rice Friday-It's know what to do! Free Rice time!

3. Weekly Vocabulary-Take this time to study and/or finish your word boxes.

4. Vocab Quiz.-It's quiz time.

5. Scope Magazine-We will finish the worksheet from yesterday and work on a new one.

6. SAS Curriculum-We are going to conitnue working on ourSAS Curriculum assignment. The Q code for your assignment is 186.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

11/6 Thursday

1. Article Review-Read the following link. After reading, write a quick review of the article in your Language Arts Google doc. . Your review should answer the following questions:

-Did you like the article? Explain your answer

-Was the article informative? Explain your answer

-What was the topic of the article?

-What was the article's main idea? Supporting details?

-What was one thing about the article that you found fascinating? Explain your answer

2. Weekly Vocabulary-Here are your weekly vocab words. How well do you know them? Play some Scatter and Space Race to see how good you are.

3. Vocabulary Word Boxes- This week you will be using all 10 of your vocab. words to create 10 Vocab Boxes. In case you forgot, here are the directions:

4. Short Story-If you did not finish The Lottery (and a lot of you did not!) use this time to do so. You guys will read the story on your own. Once you have finished reading, answer the following questions in Google doc titled "The Lottery" Make sure you share this doc with Mr. Norman. Remember to answer in complete sentences!

a. What happened at the end of the story? How did the ending make you feel?
b. What in the story might have helped you predict the kind of ending the story had?
c. What did the author do to set the tone for the story?
d. Why do you think the Village still does the Lottery each year?

If you have finished, either read from your library book or play some Wednesday games.

5. Scope Magazine-Let's finally get back to Scope Magazine.

6. Letter Home Assignment-Take this time to finish your letters.

1. Pick an expedition you think you would have liked to have been on.
2. Research all important information about that expedition (dates, locations, reasons for expedition).
3. Write a letter to your family as if you were writing from aboard a ship on an expedition.
4. Include in your letters the information you found in step number 2.
5. Type your letter in a new Google doc called Letter Home. Share it with Mr. Norman.

7. SAS Curriculum-We are going to be doing an assignment on a website called SAS Curriculum. The Q code for your assignment is 186. Follow along with me as I explain the assignment. 

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

11/5 Wednesday

1. Game Time-We have a new game today! Its called Word Craze. Here's the instructions for the game:
Guess as many words as you can in under a minute. There is a catch though. Your words must match up with the target letter and position shown above a word. Words cannot be used more than once and they must be valid to score. Each letter contains a different value according to how often it appears in our dictionary.

Eight Letter Game
Synonym Toast
Sentence Unscramble.

2. Weekly Vocabulary-Here are your weekly vocab words. Take a few minutes to familiarize with your new words.

3. Vocabulary Word Boxes- This week you will be using all 10 of your vocab. words to create 10 Vocab Boxes. In case you forgot, here are the directions:

4. Short Story-If you did not finish The Lottery (and a lot of you did not!) use this time to do so. You guys will read the story on your own. Once you have finished reading, answer the following questions in Google doc titled "The Lottery" Make sure you share this doc with Mr. Norman. Remember to answer in complete sentences!

a. What happened at the end of the story? How did the ending make you feel?
b. What in the story might have helped you predict the kind of ending the story had?
c. What did the author do to set the tone for the story?
d. Why do you think the Village still does the Lottery each year?

If you have finished, either read from your library book or play some Wednesday games.

5. Scope Magazine-Let's finally get back to Scope Magazine.

6. Letter Home Assignment-This week you will be pretending that you are a crew member aboard one of the Age of Exploration voyages. You must follow these steps to complete the assignment:

1. Pick an expedition you think you would have liked to have been on.
2. Research all important information about that expedition (dates, locations, reasons for expedition).
3. Write a letter to your family as if you were writing from aboard a ship on an expedition.
4. Include in your letters the information you found in step number 2.
5. Type your letter in a new Google doc called Letter Home. Share it with Mr. Norman.

7. Social Studies Warm-Up-Answer the following question in your Norman Social Studies Google doc.

What did you eat yesterday? Make a list of everything you had.

8. Columbian Exchange-We will begin discussing the Columbian Exchange and the impact it had on the entire world. Look at this chart which details some of the items involved in the Exchange. When you have finished looking at the chart, review the following picture detailing the Exchange. Does anything surprise you?

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

11/4 Tuesday

Holy smokes! Will Mr. Norman ever be back? I am going to the doctor, so hopefully I will be back and ready to go on Wednesday.


1. Warm-Up-Creative Writing- Look at the following picture. Write a quick short story about the picture. Be creative and try to include some of your weekly vocabulary words. Make sure to out this in your Language Arts google doc. This week we are also introducing the tone (feel) that the story should have. The mood for your story should be funny.
2. Weekly Vocabulary-Here are your weekly vocab words. Take a few minutes to familiarize with your new words.
3. Vocabulary Word Boxes- This week you will be using all 10 of your vocab. words to create 10 Vocab Boxes. In case you forgot, here are the directions:

4. NC Write-Use this time finish up those scary "Halloween" prompts. It is definitely up now!

5. Short Story-If you did not finish The Lottery (and a lot of you did not!) use this time to do so. You guys will read the story on your own. Once you have finished reading, answer the following questions in Google doc titled "The Lottery" Make sure you share this doc with Mr. Norman. Remember to answer in complete sentences!

a. What happened at the end of the story? How did the ending make you feel?
b. What in the story might have helped you predict the kind of ending the story had?
c. What did the author to set the tone for the story?
d. Why do you think the Village still does the Lottery each year?

If you have finished, either read from your library book or play some Wednesday games.


5. Letter Home Assignment
-This week you will be pretending that you are a crew member aboard one of the Age of Exploration voyages. You must follow these steps to complete the assignment:

1. Pick an expedition you think you would have liked to have been on.
2. Research all important information about that expedition (dates, locations, reasons for expedition).
3. Write a letter to your family as if you were writing from aboard a ship on an expedition.
4. Include in your letters the information you found in step number 2.
5. Type your letter in a new Google doc called Letter Home. Share it with Mr. Norman.

Use this period to finish up anything you have yet to complete from today.

Monday, November 3, 2014

11/3 Monday

As you can tell, I am still out. I think that I may have contracted Ebola over the weekend!

Language Arts

Alright, for most of you the benchmarks are thankfully over. Take about 20 minutes and relax with some Wednesday games.

1. Game Time-Let's get the day started with some games.
Eight Letter Game
Synonym Toast
Sentence Unscramble.

2. NC Write-Use this time finish up those scary "Halloween" prompts.

3. Short Story-If you did not finish The Lottery (and a lot of you did not!) use this time to do so. You guys will read the story on your own. Once you have finished reading, answer the following questions in Google doc titled "The Lottery" Make sure you share this doc with Mr. Norman. Remember to answer in complete sentences!

a. What happened at the end of the story? How did the ending make you feel?
b. What in the story might have helped you predict the kind of ending the story had?
c. What did the author to set the tone for the story?
d. Why do you think the Village still does the Lottery each year?

4. Study Island-Head over to Study Island and work on Summarization. You are to complete 15 questions.

Social Studies

5. Letter Home  Assignment-This week you will be pretending that you are a crew member aboard one of the Age of Exploration voyages. You must follow these steps to complete the assignment:

1. Pick an expedition you think you would have liked to have been on.
2. Research all important  information about that expedition (dates, locations, reasons for expedition).
3. Write a letter to your family as if you were writing from aboard a ship on an expedition.
4. Include in your letters the information you found in step number 2.
5. Type your letter in a new Google doc called Letter Home. Share it with Mr. Norman.

Use this period to finish up anything you have yet to complete from today.