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Friday, May 2, 2014

5/2 Friday

1. Free Rice Friday- Free Rice time! You can choose your category.

2. Weekly Vocabulary-Finish your 5x5x5s.

3. Comic Strip Creator

Below are 3 different comic creator websites. Check out all 3 sites and spend some time exploring. Once you have looked around, create at least 1 strip on each site.

Marvel Kids Comic Creator
Lego City Comic Creator
Strip Creator

After you have finished creating your strips, send me an email titled "Comic Strips." In your email you need to rank from best to worst the different comic strip creator sites. Have fun!

4. Most Dangerous Game-This is a good chance to catch up on your reading.

5. FitBrains-Let's play!

6. Social Studies Warm-Up-Answer the following question in your Norman Social Studies Google doc. Be sure to fully explain your answer.

Who was Franz Ferdinand and what impact did he have on World War 1?

7. WW1 Websites-Go to the following World War 1 websites. Read the information contained on the sites. When you have finished, create a fact sheet containing 20 facts you have learned form the sites. Be sure you write in complete sentences and pull facts from all 3 sites. Here are the websites:

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