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Thursday, May 15, 2014

5/15 Thursday

1. Article Review-Read the following article. After reading, write a quick review of the article in your Norman Language Arts Google doc. Your review should answer the following questions:

-What was the article's main idea?

-What text structure did the article use?

-Write a brief summary of the idea.

2. Weekly Vocabulary-Work on your puzzles.

3. Compare and Contrast-Continue working on your Three Little Pigs Venn Diagram. In case you forgot, here are the directions again:

We are going to practice our comparing and contrasting skills! First, read THREE LITTLE PIGS FABLE. Next, read the wolf's version, the so-called TRUE STORY OF THE THREE LITTLE PIGS. When you have finished both, you will create a Venn Diagram which compares and contrasts the two stories. For an example, look at this VENN DIAGRAM. Complete your Venn Diagram on paper, filling in your circles with as many good details as possible.

4. Most Dangerous Game Map-Keep working on those maps.

5. Great Depression Survivors- It is fascinating to hear people who lived through the Depression discuss what it was really like. Watch the following video. It may give you some inspiration for your Weekly Assignment.

6. Great Depression Weekly Project-For this assignment, you are going to try your best to get into the minds of the people who experienced the Great Depression. You will pick 5 pictures from the following 8. They are all pictures of people from the Great Depression. Once you have picked your 5 pictures, you are to create a Google doc titled "Great Depression Project." You are going to write (at least 7 sentences each) 5 stories based on the pictures you have chosen. Each story needs to be written in First Person. You can create your story in any way that you see fit but they must be tied to the Great Depression and be school appropriate. In your doc, paste your photo and then write your story. Do this for each picture and story. Here is the link for the pictures.

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