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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Class 2 Social Studies

1. On a sheet of paper, write your number, name and the title Revolutions. On that same piece of paper, answer the following question.

"Are all revolutions violent? Explain your answers and give examples.”

2. Declaration Project

 “Tired of homework? Think school is pointless? Wonder when in life you will ever use math? Now you finally have a chance to throw of the shackles which bind you and REVOLT! You and a partner will join together to pick a topic which you will revolt from. Once your topic has been approved, you will begin brainstorming lists of reasons why you have had enough. You will then create your own Declaration of Independence. You must use the document to state your case and explain why you must be free. On Friday, you and your partner will present your document to the class. Your group's document MUST contain.

a. A title-Make sure it relates to your document and gives a general overview of what your document is about.

b. A introduction paragraph. This should introduce what you are revolting against and explain why. This is where you lay out your case. Review the opening to the Declaration of Independence for inspiration. Your introduction must contain at least 10 sentences.

c. 10 articles which state the reasons why you are revolting. Review the articles in the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen for inspiration.

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