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Monday, February 4, 2013

1. Global Trade Class Presentation

The class will soon be visited by King Jeremy the First from the country of Normania. He is looking to enter into trade with another continent or empire. You and your group will research your assigned continent or empire and use props to represent the items which your area can trade. Your goal is to entice King Jeremy the First into entering into a trading partnership with your group. Every member of the group will speak, and the trade props must be explained. (Example-What is Silk, and why would King Jeremy need it?) Groups must have and present at least 4 trade items. King Jeremy likes to ask questions so BE PREPARED!


Ottoman Empire:
Group 1-Donovan, Cole and Kamryn
Group 2-Liz, Meranda and Avery

Mughal Empire:
Group 1-Hydia, Joey and Bryce
Group 2-Alicia, Matt and Khloe

East Asia:
Group 1-Davin, Thomas and Elizabeth
Group 2- Lexie, Wesley and Dai Dai

Group 1-Mason, Ethan and Jamie
Group 2-Austin and Genesis

Cohesiveness of Group-25%


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