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Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Wow! it's hard to believe that it's the last day of February! That means that it's almost time for Spring and Easter Break.

1. First off, create a new google doc titled "Mr. Norman's Stuff". This is where you will submit most of my stuff. In your new doc, answer the following question-

"Are you excited about Easter Break? Explain your answer and let me know what awesome plans you might have for your time off!"

2. “What do you think about the linked news story? Cool? Boring? Creepy? Share your feelings and the reasons you feel that way!

3. Now that you have finished that, review your Vocabulary Words for a few minutes.

Social Studies Warm-up

1. Warm-Up-On a sheet of paper, write your number, name and the title American Revolution. On that same piece of paper, answer the following question.

  -"How might the Age of Enlightenment have led to the American Revolution?”

2. Weekly Project- Use the remainder of class to work on your presentations. 
“Tired of homework? Think school is pointless? Wonder when in life you will ever use math? Now you finally have a chance to throw of the shackles which bind you and REVOLT! You and a partner will join together to pick a topic which you will revolt from. Once your topic has been approved, you will begin brainstorming lists of reasons why you have had enough. You will then create your own Declaration of Independence. You must use the document to state your case and explain why you must be free. On Friday, you and your partner will present your document to the class. Your group's document MUST contain.
a. A title-Make sure it relates to your document and gives a general overview of what your document is about.

b. A introduction paragraph. This should introduce what you are revolting against and explain why. This is where you lay out your case. Review the opening to the Declaration of Independence for inspiration. Your introduction must contain at least 10 sentences.

c. 10 articles which state the reasons why you are revolting. Review the articles in the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen for inspiration.





1.Quote(s) of the Day -- Leave a comment responding to the quotes below. Your comment should include what you think the quotes means, if you agree or disagree with the author, and supporting details and examples to support your thoughts. Also, comment on how the two quotes relate.

“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions.”
- Albert Einstein 

“The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”

-Albert Einstein

2. Weekly Vocabulary -- Keep practicing your Vocabulary Words using the flash cards, games, and quizzes. Also, now is a good time to start working on your 3-2-1 Vocabulary Project.

3. Summarize-It’s time to show off your summarizing skills. Using the techniques we discussed in class and the tips from the videos, you will be summarizing a short story. 

4. Weekly Project-For your weekly project, you are to pick 2 of the 3 Bronx Masquerade writing prompts. You are to answer the prompts on your Bronx Masquerade google doc (put it at the bottom.) There is no minimum amount of sentences required, but be sure you answer the prompt completely in the sentences you write. Be sure to provide details from the book.

Prompt 1-Which character from Bronx Masquerade do you identify with most? In other words, which character do you feel you are the most like? Provide at least 5 reasons for the connection you feel with the character.

Prompt 2-Why do you think the students enjoy the Open Mike Fridays so much? What is it about the poetry that they like? Make sure to fully explain your reasons and provide details from the book.

Prompt 3-Which character from Bronx Masquerade do you think would fit in best at Pamlico Middle School? Why do you feel this way? You should give at least 4 reasons why you think the character would fit in. Fully explain your answers and be sure to provide details form the book.

Focus on Topic (Content)
There is one clear, well-focused topic. Main idea stands out and is supported by detailed information.
Main idea is clear but the supporting information is general.
Main idea is somewhat clear but there is a need for more supporting information.
The main idea is not clear. There is a seemingly random collection of information.
Details are placed in a logical order and the way they are presented effectively keeps the interest of the reader.
Details are placed in a logical order, but the way in which they are presented/introduced sometimes makes the writing less interesting.
Some details are not in a logical or expected order, and this distracts the reader.
Many details are not in a logical or expected order. There is little sense that the writing is organized.
Word Choice
Writer uses vivid words and phrases that linger or draw pictures in the reader's mind, and the choice and placement of the words seems accurate, natural and not forced.
Writer uses vivid words and phrases that linger or draw pictures in the reader's mind, but occasionally the words are used inaccurately or seem overdone.
Writer uses words that communicate clearly, but the writing lacks variety, punch or flair.
Writer uses a limited vocabulary that does not communicate strongly or capture the reader's interest. Jargon or cliches may be present and detract from the meaning.
Sentence Structure (Sentence Fluency)
All sentences are well-constructed with varied structure.
Most sentences are well-constructed with varied structure.
Most sentences are well-constructed but have a similar structure.
Sentences lack structure and appear incomplete or rambling.

5. Book Journal -- Please respond to the following question- Make 3 predictions on what you think might happen in the next few chapters of your book. Be sure to give reasons why you think so."

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Class 2 Social Studies

1. On a sheet of paper, write your number, name and the title Revolutions. On that same piece of paper, answer the following question.

"Are all revolutions violent? Explain your answers and give examples.”

2. Declaration Project

 “Tired of homework? Think school is pointless? Wonder when in life you will ever use math? Now you finally have a chance to throw of the shackles which bind you and REVOLT! You and a partner will join together to pick a topic which you will revolt from. Once your topic has been approved, you will begin brainstorming lists of reasons why you have had enough. You will then create your own Declaration of Independence. You must use the document to state your case and explain why you must be free. On Friday, you and your partner will present your document to the class. Your group's document MUST contain.

a. A title-Make sure it relates to your document and gives a general overview of what your document is about.

b. A introduction paragraph. This should introduce what you are revolting against and explain why. This is where you lay out your case. Review the opening to the Declaration of Independence for inspiration. Your introduction must contain at least 10 sentences.

c. 10 articles which state the reasons why you are revolting. Review the articles in the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen for inspiration.

2. Weekly Vocabulary

The following link will take you to your weekly vocabulary words.

Monday, February 25, 2013


On a sheet of paper, write your number, name and the title Glorious Revolution. On that same piece of paper, answer the following question.

"What was the status of the English government at the end of the English Civil War?”

Friday, February 22, 2013

1. Warm-Up

On your absolutism google doc, answer the following question

“What possible problems do you think might come from an absolute monarchy?”

Thursday, February 21, 2013

2. Exit Ticket

Look at the following painting. Answer the following questions

1. Who do you think this is? Why do you think so?

2. What do you think is going on in this painting?

3. What is the angel doing? What do you think the angel represents in the painting?

1. Warm-Up

On your absolutism google doc, answer the following warm-up question.

What do you think the following quote means? " Absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

2/20/13 Class Activity

Hear ye, Hear ye, tomorrow your class shall be graced with the presence of the esteemed and most magnificent King Jeremy the 1st, of Normania. The King will allow you to ask him a series of questions from which you may gain more knowledge on the subject of absolute monarchies. Your questions should be serious and thought provoking (otherwise you will just be wasting the King’s time.)You are to create 5 questions.

1. 2/20/13 Warm-Up

What do you think the following quote means?

“I am the state”-Louis XIV

Create a google doc titled Absolutism

On your doc write the following words

1. Absolutism

2. Divine Rights

3. Charles the 1st

4. Peter the Great

5. Louis the 14th 

Share your doc with Mr. Norman 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

2. Enlightenment Slides

Class 2-
Class 1-

2/19/13 Warm-up

Answer the following Warm-Up question-“Why do you think the Enlightenment was also referred to as the Age of Reason? Explain.”

Friday, February 15, 2013

1. 2/15/13 Warm-Up

Read the following passage:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

3. Enlightenment Assignment

Here is your chance to play the role of teacher and create your very own Google slide presentation lesson based on the period known as the Enlightenment! Each student will be assigned a certain aspect that they are to cover. The three topics will be:
1. People of the Enlightenment-you will focus on the most important people in the Enlightenment period.
2. Places important to the Enlightenment-you will focus on the various locations important to the Enlightenment.
3. Important Works of the Enlightenment-you will focus on the books, publications, etc. that were so important to the Enlightenment.
Each student should create at least 5 slides. If your slide contains a picture it must also contain text.
After you have finished remember to share your presentation with Mr. Norman (make sure to make it editable by him!)
Once Mr. Norman has received all the slides, he will pick his favorites. Once he has picked his favorites, he will use them to teach the lesson on Enlightenment. 

This assignment is due FRIDAY 2/15/13 AT THE END OF CLASS........

People of the Enlightenment      Locations of the Enlightenment    Works of the Enlightenment
Alicia                                                  Donovan                                                Hydia
Liz                                                      Wesley                                                   Matthew
Davin                                                  Thomas                                                  Meranda
Mason                                                 Kamryn                                                 Kloe
Dai Dai                                                Elizabeth                                                Ethan
Jamie                                                   Bryce                                                    Avery
Austin                                                  Cole                                                      Genesis
Joey                                                     Lexie                       

Class 2                               Class 2                                     Class 2
Grace                                    Josh                                           Meg
D.C.                                                 Austin                                                     Nolin
Axavia                                              Jade                                                       Sarah
Hunter                                              P.J.                                                         Blake  
Pilar                                                 Danielle                                                   Abbie
Devan                                              Dillon                                                      Tayla                                
Selena                                            Sonya                                                      Aaron           

2. Scientific Revolution Pop Quiz

1. Warm-Up 2/13/13

On a blank piece of paper, answer the following question “Has your life been improved by science?”

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

3. Exit Ticket

On the same piece of paper which you wrote your warm-up question and your terms, answer the following exit ticket writing prompt.

Exit ticket-“In your own words, explain what the Scientific Revolution was and why it was so important”

2.Scientific Revolution Terms

On the same piece of paper you did your warm-up, write the following terms. Be sure to leave enough space to fill in information about each term.


Printing press



1. On a sheet of paper, answer the following Warm-up question-“How did the Renaissance help start the Scientific Revolution?”

Monday, February 11, 2013

3. Scientific Revolution Presentation

Here is a link to my Scientific Revolution Presentation

This definition might help you guys understand the revolution better!

Scientific Revolution-
A development which arose in the early sixteenth century with the cosmological discoveries of Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543). Copernicus, going against the current belief that the Earth was stationary and at the center of the universe, hypothesized a Sun-centered (heliocentric) universe with a moveable Earth. Further discoveries by Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) confirmed the second of these hypotheses, and added two other discoveries: 1) planetary orbits in the shape of ellipses, and 2) an explanation of the varying speeds of the planets as they orbited - fastest near the Sun, slowest the more outward a planet is from the Sun. In connection to these discoveries, the movement of the planets, the maintenance of their orbits, the basic mathematical structure of the universe, and gravity all came to be understood. From these discoveries, and many more, came an understanding of the universe as a mechanistic structure, dictated by a few principles which seemed to be arranged with amazing mathematical precision.

Many of the discoveries which initiated the Scientific Revolution were greeted with great opposition because of their challenge to traditional and religious conceptions of the universe, e.g., the traditional belief in the Earth being the center of the universe, and thus humanity's ultimate significance in the grand scheme of things. However, centuries later it became common knowledge that God had created this complex universe, with neither the Earth, nor the Sun, being at its center. Further, the laws which were once thought to only govern the realms of "space" were now seen to be applicable to Earth as well. When all was said and done, the major thinkers of the Scientific Revolution (Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, Newton, Descartes) had revealed a universe which seemed like a perfectly run machine, comprehensible by the human mind and the enlightened scientific understanding it had now gained.

2. Scientific Revolution Illustrated Timeline

You  are to create a Scientific Revolution illustrated timeline. Your timeline should have at least ten events, people, places, or inventions. I would start by doing research, then creating your timeline. You will have today and tomorrow to work on this assignment.

Grammar/Overall Neatness=25 points
Creativity=25 points
Research/Information provided=50 points

1. Warm-Up

 Take a few minutes and think about the following question.

“Why is change sometimes considered so dangerous?"

If you can think of some examples where change might be considered dangerous.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

1. Global Trade Warm-Up

1. Should countries participate in global trade, or just make and use their own products? Why do you feel this way?

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

1. Global Trade Presentation


Monday, February 4, 2013

1. Global Trade Class Presentation

The class will soon be visited by King Jeremy the First from the country of Normania. He is looking to enter into trade with another continent or empire. You and your group will research your assigned continent or empire and use props to represent the items which your area can trade. Your goal is to entice King Jeremy the First into entering into a trading partnership with your group. Every member of the group will speak, and the trade props must be explained. (Example-What is Silk, and why would King Jeremy need it?) Groups must have and present at least 4 trade items. King Jeremy likes to ask questions so BE PREPARED!


Ottoman Empire:
Group 1-Donovan, Cole and Kamryn
Group 2-Liz, Meranda and Avery

Mughal Empire:
Group 1-Hydia, Joey and Bryce
Group 2-Alicia, Matt and Khloe

East Asia:
Group 1-Davin, Thomas and Elizabeth
Group 2- Lexie, Wesley and Dai Dai

Group 1-Mason, Ethan and Jamie
Group 2-Austin and Genesis

Cohesiveness of Group-25%


Friday, February 1, 2013