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Wednesday, September 26, 2018

9/27 Thursday

1. Writing Prompt-In your ELA notebook, answer the following question:

"How are you?"
Each and every one of us has been affected in some way by Hurricane Florence. I want you to tell me how you were affected. This may be painful to write about but sometimes it feels good to let it out. When we are finished, we can talk. 

2. Class Discussion-Obviously some there have been some tremendous changes since we were last together. We will use this opportunity to discuss what these changes mean and how we will adapt. Also, I will try my best to answer any and all questions you guys may have.  

3. Short Story-We are still in school! Our new short story is all about going to Mars! 

4. CNN Student News-Watch and learn! Be sure to jot down some good notes in your notebooks.

5. CNN Student News Question of the Day-Let's see how well you paid attention!

6. Medieval Times-Time for our next unit.

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