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Thursday, December 15, 2016

12/15 Thursday

1. Article Review-Read the following article . After reading, write a quick review of the article in your Language Arts Google doc. Your review should answer the following questions:

-What was the article's main idea? Supporting details?

-What was one thing about the article that you found fascinating? Explain your answer.

-If you were to rename this article, what name would you choose and why?

2. Gift of the Magi-You will begin reading our Christmas short story, The Gift of the Magi.

3. Christmas Origins-I often say that the best way to fully appreciate something is to know its origin. With that in mind, you are to use the internet to research and find the origins of the following things associated with Christmas.

-Santa Claus
-Christmas Trees
-Gift giving
-Santa's Elves
-Christmas lights

Once you have researched the above things, create a Google presentation that explains in detail the origins of each the items listed above. Make sure your presentation has correct grammar, pictures, and good use of design and color.

4. Channel One-We are going to watch Channel One news. Afterwards, you are to got to your Social Studies google doc and answer the following questions about the newscast. Remember to use complete sentences, and fully explain your answers.

1. What were the stories on today's newscast?

2. Explain how each story might impact your life.

5. Slavery Warm-Up-In your Norman Social Studies Google doc, respond to the following writing prompt:

If slavery is wrong, why has it existed for so many years?

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