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Friday, August 28, 2015


Scavenger Hunt-Use the internet for correct answers (spelling counts) Put the questions on a blank piece of paper. Remember to answer in complete sentences.

On what date did the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico occur?
Who was the 16th president of the United States?
What are three synonyms for the word BIZARRE?
What is the capital of Egypt?
What are two website addresses that allow you to edit video?
What is the largest mammal on Earth?
What are three antonyms for the word ANTIQUE?
Who discovered the cure for the disease polio?
Who is Mark David Chapman?
Who was Leif Erickson?
When, where, and why did the Titanic sink?
What are Greenhouse Gases?
Who created Superman?
Who was the 2nd man to walk on the Moon?

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