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Thursday, March 13, 2014

3/13 Thursday

1. Would You Rather-In your Norman Language Arts Google Doc, answer the following would you rathers. Be sure to fully explain your answers.

Live without music or live without TV?

Lose your legs or lose your arms?

2. Article Review-Read the following article . After reading, write a quick review of the article in your Norman Language Arts Google doc. Your review should answer the following questions:

-Did you like the article? Explain your answer.

-Was the article informative? Explain your answer.

Also, create two E.O.G style questions about the article.

3. Point of View-Let's review!

4. Point of View Activity-You are going to write 2 sentences for each Point of View we have covered.

5. Most Dangerous Game-Soon we will be beginning our new story. First, let's take a few minutes to get acquainted with our story.

6. NC Write-Head over to NC Write and work on the prompt titled "Choose a Special Power." Your essay should be at least 150 words.

7. Social Studies Warm-Up-Answer the following question in your Norman Social Studies Google doc. Be sure to fully explain your answer.

Would you risk your lives to fight for something that you really believed in?

8. French Revolution- We will continue looking at the French Revolution

9. French Revolution Newspaper-Take this time to work on your newspapers. They must include:

1. Title of Newspaper

2. Date and price

3. Title of Article

4. Story (at least 10 sentences)-Story must be about the French Revolution

5. Opinion article (at least 8 sentences)-This should contain your own opinion on the Revolution

6. At least 1 illustration

You may only use the following sites to obtain the information for your newspaper. Here are the website links:



Inferencing is a vital skill to increasing a readers overall comprehension. We are going to review the concept and then assess our inferencing ability using this website.

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