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Friday, May 3, 2013

5/3 Friday

1. Warm-Up-Answer the following question:

What do you think could have gotten America out of the Great Depression?

2. Great Depression-We are going to finish up looking at the Great Depression today. The following article contains an excellent overview of the Depression. Read carefully!

3. Great Depression Questions- On a blank sheet of paper, answer the following questions (the answers may be found in the article from number 2.) You do not have to rewrite the question, but your answers need to be in complete sentences.

      1. Who was the President of the United States when the Great Depression began?

     2. What happened on October 29th, 1929?

     3. Why was this depression so hard on farmers?

     4. What does the quote "ride the rails" refer to?

     5. What was a "Hoover Wagon"?

     6. What U.S. President created the New Deal?

     7. Name two different New Deal programs.

     8. What finally ended the Great Depression? Explain why it did.

4. Great Depression Survivors- It is fascinating to hear people who lived through the Depression discuss what it was really like. Watch the following video. It may give you some inspiration for your Weekly Assignment.

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