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Tuesday, May 28, 2019

5/28 Tuesday

1. Free Read-Let's relax and read...

2. Test Strategies-What strategies do you use?

3. EOG Vocabulary-These are all words that you will see on the ELA EOG. If you have finished numbers 1-2, study your words.

4. Websites-Relax and enjoy the following websites!


5. CNN News-What's going on?

6. World War 2-Head to this link, and wait.

Friday, May 24, 2019

5/24 Friday

1. Rip Van Winkle-Finish reading your short story from yesterday. This website might help you understand the story a little more. Don't forget to answer the questions!

2. Learning Farm-Keep working on getting those medals.

3. Free Read-If you have finished 1 and 2, you might quietly read your books.

4. Study Island-Today might be the last chance we get to work on our Social Studies Study Island assignments. Try to complete as many as you can.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

5/23 Thursday

1. Rip Van Winkle-Grab a Red Literature book and read the short story, Rip Van Winkle, pages 185-200. On a blank piece of paper, answer questions 1-10 (found on page 201). Also, answer the 2 questions in the Literary Elements: Setting box, also found on page 201. When finished, turn your work in to the substitute and move on to number 2.

2. Learning Farm-Work on your EOG prep assignments and the Final test.

3. EOG Vocabulary-These are all words that you will see on the ELA EOG. If you have finished numbers 1-2, study your words.

4. Today in History-Go to the following website and look over some of the things that happened on this date in history. Pick 3 things which you think are important and send me an email (Titled: Today in History) explaining why you chose the 3 events that you did. Remember to fully explain your answers. My email is

5. Study Island-Work on any assignments you have not completed. If you have finished them all, there are 2 new assignments to work on.


Tuesday, May 21, 2019

5/22 Wednesday

1. Outsiders Sequel-Use this time to finish your sequel to the Outsiders. Remember, it needs to go in your Outsiders Google Doc and be at least 256 words.

2. Ready NC-Continue working on the packet your received yesterday. If you have finished, make sure to turn it in.

3. Learning Farm-Work on your EOG prep assignments and the Final test.

4. EOG Vocabulary-These are all words that you will see on the ELA EOG. If you have finished numbers 1-3, study your words.

5. Today in History-Go to the following website and look over some of the things that happened on this date in history. Pick 3 things which you think are important and send me an email (Titled: Today in History) explaining why you chose the 3 events that you did. Remember to fully explain your answers. My email is

6. Study Island-Work on any assignments you have not completed. If you have finished them all, there are 2 new assignments to work on.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

5/16 Friday

1. Vocab Quiz Time-I hope you studied!

2. Learning Farm-Continue working on your EOG Prep assignments.

3. Outsiders Sequel-One of my favorite things to do when I finish a book is to try and imagine what might happen to the characters after the end of the book. You guys are going to help me do this with The Outsiders. In your Outsiders Google doc, I want you to create a sequel for the Outsiders. Tell me what happens next to our favorite characters. Your sequel must be at least 256 words and fit the tone of the original.

4. World War 1 Quiz-It's time to see how much attention we paid!

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

5/9 Thursday

1. Reading Passage-Back to the grind!

2. Class Novel-Rumble time!

3. Mock EOG-I will tell you what your scores were.


Tuesday, May 7, 2019

5/8 Wednesday

1. Warm-Up-Creative Writing- Look at the following picture. Write a quick short story about the picture. Be creative! The mood for your story should be silly! Your story also needs to be written in First Person point of view. This link should help.

2. Edulastic-We need to put the Mock EOG into Edulastic

3. Class Novel-Let's get back to our novel.