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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

3/31 Tuesday

1. Warm-Up-Creative Writing- Look at the following picture. Write a quick short story about the picture. Be creative! The mood for your story should be creepy.

2. Common Assessment-Today we will be reviewing the poem from our last common assessment.

3. Origins of Easter-We are going to use the following links to learn more about the origins of Easter. Once you have visited each link, use a blank piece of paper to create a fact sheet containing 20 facts about Easter.

Easter Link
Easter Link 2
Easter Link 3

4. Class Novel-How will Salva do in America? Let's see!

5. Scope-Hopefully we can get to our newest Scope article.

6. People of the Revolution- You will be researching various important figures from both the American and French Revolutions.You will answer questions about each day's person in your Social Studies google doc. Make sure to use complete sentences. You will do all research necessary on your own. You must answer the following questions.

1. What was this person's full name?

2. Where and when was this person born?

3. Where and when did this person die?

4. Which revolution was this person involved with?

5. What was their importance to the revolution?

6. What are 3 interesting facts about this person?

Today's person is:

Napoleon Bonaparte

7. French Revolution Newspaper-It's time for you guys to show the power of the press! You are to create a newspaper front page about the French Revolution. It must include:

1. Title of Newspaper

2. Date and price

3. Title of Article

4. Story (at least 10 sentences)-Story must be about the French Revolution

5. Opinion article (at least 8 sentences)-This should contain your own opinion on the Revolution

6. At least 1 illustration

You may only use the following sites to obtain the information for your newspaper. Here are the website links:

Enrichment Scavenger Hunt-Use the internet for correct answers (spelling counts) Put the questions and the answers in an email titled Scavenger Hunt #1 and send it to me. Remember to answer in complete sentences.

On what date did the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico occur?
Who was the 16th president of the United States?
What are three synonyms for the word BIZARRE?
What is the capital of Egypt?
What are two website addresses that allow you to edit video?
What is the largest mammal on Earth?
What are three antonyms for the word ANTIQUE?
Who discovered the cure for the disease polio?
Who is Mark David Chapman?
Who was Leif Erickson?
When, where, and why did the Titanic sink?
What are Greenhouse Gases?
Who created Superman?
Who was the 2nd man to walk on the Moon?

Monday, March 30, 2015

3/30 Monday

1. Warm-Up-In your Norman Language Arts Google doc, answer the following question. Make sure to date your post, fully explain your answer, and use complete sentences

2. Common Assessment Review-Let's go over these together.

3.Scope-We are starting our new Scope article today

4. Class Novel-First we will answer questions about chapter 14, then we will read chapter 15. Does Salva make it to America?

5. Independent Reading-Grab your books and read away!

6. Reading Google Doc.-Answer the following question in your Reading Google Doc.

What are 3 things that you found interesting in your book today? Why did you chose these 3?

7. Channel One-We are going to watch Channel One news. Afterwards, you are to got to your Social Studies google doc and answer the following questions about the newscast. Remember to use complete sentences, and fully explain your answers.

1. What were the stories on today's newscast?

2. Which story did you find most interesting?

3. What was interesting about this story?

8. French Revolution Newspaper-It's time for you guys to show the power of the press! You are to create a newspaper front page about the French Revolution. It must include:

1. Title of Newspaper

2. Date and price

3. Title of Article

4. Story (at least 10 sentences)-Story must be about the French Revolution

5. Opinion article (at least 8 sentences)-This should contain your own opinion on the Revolution

6. At least 1 illustration

You may only use the following sites to obtain the information for your newspaper. Here are the website links:

Friday, March 27, 2015

3/27 Friday

1. Free Rice- Free Rice time again!

2. Weekly Vocabulary-Take a few minutes to study your words.

3. Weekly Vocabulary Quiz-Good luck!

4. Reading Passage-Let's review our Common Assessment.

5. Class Novel-Let's see how Salva likes America!

6.  Channel One-We are going to watch Channel One news. Afterwards, you are to got to your Social Studies google doc and answer the following questions about the newscast. Remember to use complete sentences, and fully explain your answers.

1. What were the stories on today's newscast?

2. Which story did you find most interesting?

3. What was interesting about this story?

7. People of the Revolution- You will be researching various important figures from both the American and French Revolutions.You will answer questions about each day's person in your Social Studies google doc. Make sure to use complete sentences. You will do all research necessary on your own. You must answer the following questions.

1. What was this person's full name?

2. Where and when was this person born?

3. Where and when did this person die?

4. Which revolution was this person involved with?

5. What was their importance to the revolution?

6. What are 3 interesting facts about this person?

Today's person is:

John Paul Jones

8. French Revolution Facts-You are to use using the following websites to create a French Revolution Fact Sheet. Your sheet should contain 15 facts.


Thursday, March 26, 2015

3/26 Thursday

1. Article Review-Read the following article. After reading, write a quick review of the article in your Language Arts Google doc. Your review should answer the following questions:

-What was the topic of the article?

-What was the article's main idea? Supporting details?

-If you were to rename this article, what name would you chose and why?

-Create one E.O.G style question about the article.

2. Scope-Let's get back to our articles.

3. Class Novel-I am excited to get back to our book! Let's see what happens next...

4. Common Assessment-We are going to review our first passage from yesterday's common assessment.

5. Readworks Review-Let's review our paper themed Read Works passage.

6. Social Studies Warm-Up-Answer the following question in your Norman Social Studies Google doc. Be sure to fully explain your answer.

What were the causes of the American Revolution? Fully explain your answers.

7. People of the Revolution- You will be researching various important figures from both the American and French Revolutions.You will answer questions about each day's person in your Social Studies google doc. Make sure to use complete sentences. You will do all research necessary on your own. You must answer the following questions.

1. What was this person's full name?

2. Where and when was this person born?

3. Where and when did this person die?

4. Which revolution was this person involved with?

5. What was their importance to the revolution?

6. What are 3 interesting facts about this person?

Today's person is:

Marquis de Lafayette

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

3/26 Wednesday

1. Game Time-It's time to play our games! We have one new game. It is called Word Confusion. Play it first before you move on.

Joy Words
Before and After
Word Craze.
Eight Letter Game
Synonym Toast
Sentence Unscramble.

2. NC Write-You have a new NC Write writing prompt. The title is "Alien Encounters." Follow the instructions and get writing!

3. Social Studies Warm-Up-Answer the following question in your Norman Social Studies Google doc. Be sure to fully explain your answer.

What were the causes of the American Revolution? Fully explain your answers.

4. French Revolution Newspaper-It's time for you guys to show the power of the press! You are to create a newspaper front page about the French Revolution. It must include:

1. Title of Newspaper

2. Date and price

3. Title of Article

4. Story (at least 10 sentences)-Story must be about the French Revolution

5. Opinion article (at least 8 sentences)-This should contain your own opinion on the Revolution

6. At least 1 illustration

You may only use the following sites to obtain the information for your newspaper. Here are the website links:

Monday, March 23, 2015

3/24 Tuesday

1. Warm-Up-Creative Writing- Look at the following picture. Write a quick short story about the picture. Be creative! The mood for your story should be scary.

2. Scope-We are going to read the second part of our paired text. 

3. Scope Activity-We will now work on a Scope worksheet.

4. Class Novel-Let's see what happens next!

5. Reading Google Doc.-Answer the following question in your Reading Google Doc.

What is the setting of our class novel. Make sure you include time and place. Also, how might the novel have been different if the setting had been different?

6. Reading Passage-For the rest of class, you will be working on a Literary Elements Reading Passage.

7. Social Studies Warm-Up-Answer the following question in your Norman Social Studies Google doc. Be sure to fully explain your answer.

What were the causes of the American Revolution? Fully explain your answers. 

8. French Revolution Newspaper-It's time for you guys to show the power of the press! You are to create a newspaper front page about the French Revolution. It must include:

1. Title of Newspaper
2. Date and price

3. Title of Article

4. Story (at least 10 sentences)-Story must be about the French Revolution

5. Opinion article (at least 8 sentences)-This should contain your own opinion on the Revolution

6. At least 1 illustration

You may only use the following sites to obtain the information for your newspaper. Here are the website links:

3/23 Monday

1. Warm-Up-In your Norman Language Arts Google doc, answer the following question. Make sure to date your post, fully explain your answer, and use complete sentences.

2. Weekly Vocabulary-This week I will be giving you a sheet with your weekly words. Take a few minutes to study them.

3. Scope-We are getting back to Scope magazine in a BIG way. First up, aliens!

4. Class Novel-Let's read chapter 13.

5.Reading Google Doc.-Answer the following question in your Reading Google Doc.

What is the setting of our class novel. Make sure you include time and place. Also, how might the novel have been different if the setting had been different?

6. Reading Passage-For the rest of class, you will be working on a Literary Elements Reading Passage.

7. Channel One-We are going to watch Channel One news. Afterwards, you are to got to your Social Studies google doc and answer the following questions about the newscast. Remember to use complete sentences, and fully explain your answers.

1. What were the stories on today's newscast?

2. Which story did you find most interesting?

3. What was interesting about this story?

8. People of the Revolution- You will be researching various important figures from both the American and French Revolutions.You will answer questions about each day's person in your Social Studies google doc. Make sure to use complete sentences. You will do all research necessary on your own. You must answer the following questions.

1. What was this person's full name?

2. Where and when was this person born?

3. Where and when did this person die?

4. Which revolution was this person involved with?

5. What was their importance to the revolution?

6. What are 3 interesting facts about this person?

Today's person is:

Paul Revere

9. French Revolution Newspaper-It's time for you guys to show the power of the press! You are to create a newspaper front page about the French Revolution. It must include:

1. Title of Newspaper

2. Date and price

3. Title of Article

4. Story (at least 10 sentences)-Story must be about the French Revolution

5. Opinion article (at least 8 sentences)-This should contain your own opinion on the Revolution

6. At least 1 illustration

You may only use the following sites to obtain the information for your newspaper. Here are the website links:


Friday, March 20, 2015

3/20 Frid

1. Free Rice-It's Friday so that means it is Free Rice time. Once again you can pick your own category.

2. Weekly Vocabulary-Take this time to finish your 3-2-1s, I will take them up soon.

3. Coach Packet-Finish you newest packet. We have time to start a new one.

4. Class Novel-We are going to do some work from our class novel.

5. Reading Google Doc.-Answer the following question in your Reading Google Doc.

What is the setting of our class novel. Make sure you include time and place. Also, how might the novel have been different if the setting had been different?

6. Independent Reading-Take this time to quietly read from your library book.

7. Social Studies Warm-Up-Answer the following question in your Norman Social Studies Google doc. Be sure to fully explain your answer.

Would you risk your lives to fight for something that you really believed in?

8. People of the Revolution- You will be researching various important figures from both the American and French Revolutions.You will answer questions about each day's person in your Social Studies google doc. Make sure to use complete sentences. You will do all research necessary on your own. You must answer the following questions.

1. What was this person's full name?

2. Where and when was this person born?

3. Where and when did this person die?

4. Which revolution was this person involved with?

5. What was their importance to the revolution?

6. What are 3 interesting facts about this person?

Today's person is:

King George the 3rd

REMEDIATION-Try out this new vocabulary game

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

3/18 Wednesday

1. Game Time- It's Hump Day and Game Day!

Joy Words
Before and After
Word Craze.
Eight Letter Game
Synonym Toast
Sentence Unscramble.

2. NC Write-You are to now work on the prompt titled "Free Write 3/18."

3. Channel One-We are going to watch Channel One news. Afterwards, you are to got to your Social Studies google doc and answer the following questions about the newscast. Remember to use complete sentences, and fully explain your answers.

1. What were the stories on today's newscast?

2. Which story did you find most interesting?

3. What was interesting about this story?

4. People of the Revolution- You will be researching various important figures from both the American and French Revolutions.You will answer questions about each day's person in your Social Studies google doc. Make sure to use complete sentences. You will do all research necessary on your own. You must answer the following questions.

1. What was this person's full name?

2. Where and when was this person born?

3. Where and when did this person die?

4. Which revolution was this person involved with?

5. What was their importance to the revolution?

6. What are 3 interesting facts about this person?

Today's person is:

Benjamin Franklin

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

3/17 Tuesday

1. Warm-Up-Creative Writing- Look at the following picture. Write a quick short story about the picture. Be creative! The mood for your story should be depressing.

2. Google Doc-You will be creating a new google doc. Your new doc. should be titled "Your Name-Reading Journal" (example-Jeremy Norman Reading Journal)

3. Weekly Vocabulary-You will need to create a Quizlet vocabulary set using the 10 words you have chosen for this week.

4. Literary Elements-We are going to keep look at the various literary elements.

5. Reading Passage-We are going to complete an Inference Reading Passage.

6. Coach Lesson 9-Today you will be starting work on Lesson 9.

7 Channel One-We are going to watch Channel One news. Afterwards, you are to got to your Social Studies google doc and answer the following questions about the newscast. Remember to use complete sentences, and fully explain your answers.

1. What were the stories on today's newscast?

2. Which story did you find most interesting?

3. What was interesting about this story?

8. People of the Revolution-Starting today you will be researching various important figures from both the American and French Revolutions.You will  answer questions about each day's person in your Social Studies google doc. Make sure to use complete sentences. You will do all research necessary on your own. You must answer the following questions.

1. What was this person's full name?

2. Where and when was this person born?

3. Where and when did this person die?

4. Which revolution was this person involved with?

5. What was their importance to the revolution?

6. What are 3 interesting facts about this person?

Today's person is:

George Washington

9. Revolution-Let's continue our revolutions unit. 

Monday, March 16, 2015

3/14 Monday

1. Warm-Up-In your Norman Language Arts Google doc, answer the following question. Make sure to date your post, fully explain your answer, and use complete sentences.

2. Weekly Vocabulary-This week we are going to mix it up a bit. Here is a link to Quizlet's 100 words every middle school student should know. Go to the site and pick 10 words (make sure they are not ones we have used before.) This will be your vocabulary list for the week.

3. Weekly Vocabulary 3-2-1-Use all of your words to complete your 3-2-1 assignment. Here are the instructions:
Write each word 3 times
Write each word and definition 2 times
Write 1 sentence using each of your vocab words (make sure you underline the vocabulary word)

4. Point of View-Let's review!

5 Point of View Activity-You are going to write 3 sentences for each Point of View we have covered.

6. Class Novel-You are going to answer questions from chapter 10 of our class novel.

7. Social Studies Warm-Up-Answer the following question in your Norman Social Studies Google doc. Be sure to fully explain your answer.

What do you already know about the American Revolution? Who was fighting and why?

What do you already know about the French Revolution? Who was fighting and why?

8. Revolutions-Today we are going to begin to look at revolutions.

Friday, March 13, 2015

3/13 Friday

1. Free Rice-It's Friday so that means it is Free Rice time. Once again you can pick your own category. If you guys do good, Mr. Norman gonna make it drizzle!

2. Weekly Vocabulary-Take some time to study. Our quiz is coming soon. 

3. American Steel-Now let's see if we can bring those scores up!

4. Coach Lesson 7-Finish your coach packet.

5. Question of the Day-This is a new thing we will be doing from time to time in class. You will answer the question in your Language Arts google doc. Make sure you answer in complete sentences.

What is an inference? What are the two types of information that you need to make an inference

6. Inference Wordle Activity-We will be using Wordle to practice our inferencing skills. You are going to use Wordle to describe something that you LOVE! Be very descriptive and use as many words as you can think of. Here again are your Wordle instructions:

Step 1: Go to Wordle

Step 2: Create your word cloud by typing in words that describe something that you love!

Press "GO" when finished.

Step 3: Save your wordle to the public gallery, but do not put your last name in the description.

Step 4: Copy (control-c) the embed code at the bottom of the page

Step 5: Paste (control-v) the embed code into an email you will send to me. Your email should have the title "Norman-Wordle-Inference

7. Social Studies Warm-Up-Answer the following question in your Norman Social Studies Google doc. Be sure to fully explain your answer.

What do you already know about the American Revolution? Who was fighting and why?

What do you already know about the French Revolution? Who was fighting and why?

8. Revolutions-Today we are going to begin to look at revolutions.

9. Channel One-We are going to watch Channel One news. Afterwards, you are to got to your Social Studies google doc and answer the following questions about the newscast. Remember to use complete sentences, and fully explain your answers.

1. What were the stories on today's newscast?

2. Which story did you find most interesting?

3. What was interesting about this story?

Thursday, March 12, 2015

3/11 Thursday

1. Article Review-Read the following article. After reading, write a quick review of the article in your Language Arts Google doc. Your review should answer the following questions:

-What was the topic of the article?

-What was the article's main idea? Supporting details?

-What was one thing about the article that you found fascinating? Explain your answer

-Create one E.O.G style question about the article.

2. Weekly Vocabulary-Study your words. There will be a quiz tomorrow!

3. Common Assessment-Now is our chance to improve your assessment scores.

4. Coach Lesson-Work on your Literary Elements Packet.

5. Wordle-We are going to go back and use Wordle some more. This time, we are going to use the site to describe Pamlico County. Here are the instructions again:

Step 1: Go to Wordle

Step 2: Create your word cloud by typing in words that describe Pamlico County. Be expressive! Press "GO" when finished.

Step 3: Save your wordle to the public gallery, but do not put your last name in the description.

Step 4: Copy (control-c) the embed code at the bottom of the page

Step 5: Paste (control-v) the embed code into an email you will send to me. Your email should have the title "Norman-Wordle-Pamlico"

6. Readworks-Today, you will be doing a Readworks reading passage. Make sure you take good close reading notes.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

3/11 Wednesday

1. Game Time- Time to get your game on!

Joy Words

2. NC Write-Continue working on our prompt from last week (Video Games)

3. Google Doc-You will be creating a new google doc. Your new doc. should be titled "Your Name-Reading Journal" (example-Jeremy Norman Reading Journal)

4. This Day in History-Go to the following website and look over some of the things that happened on this date in history. Pick 5 things which you think are important and send me an email (Titled: Today in History) explaining why you chose the 5 events that you did. Remember to fully explain your answers.

5. Glorious Revolution-We will now review.

6. Channel One
-We are going to watch Channel One news. Afterwards, you are to got to your Social Studies google doc and answer the following questions about the newscast. Remember to use complete sentences, and fully explain your answers.

1. What were the stories on today's newscast?

2. Which story did you find most interesting?

3. What was interesting about this story?

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

3/10 Tuesday

1. Warm-Up-Creative Writing- Look at the following picture. Write a quick short story about the picture. Be creative! The mood for your story should be silly!

lizard guitar

2. Weekly Vocabulary-Here are you new vocabulary words. To better get acquainted with your words, I want you to write each word and its definition TWICE on a blank sheet of paper.

3. Point of View Exercise-We are now going to practice how well we can recognize the various points-of-view.

4. Class Novel-Answer questions from chapter 9. When we finish, we will read chapter 10 as a class.

5. Coach Lesson 7-Work on your newest packet. 

6 Social Studies Warm-Up-Answer the following question in your Norman Social Studies Google doc. Be sure to fully explain your answer.

Why was the Glorious Revolution also called "the Bloodless Revolution?"

7. Glorious Revolution-Let's get back to taking our notes. 

8. Channel One-We are going to watch Channel One news. Afterwards, you are to got to your Social Studies google doc and answer the following questions about the newscast. Remember to use complete sentences, and fully explain your answers.

1. What were the stories on today's newscast?

2. Which story did you find most interesting?

3. What was interesting about this story?

Monday, March 9, 2015

3/9 Monday

1. Warm-Up-In your Norman Language Arts Google doc, answer the following question. Make sure to date your post, fully explain your answer, and use complete sentences.

2. Weekly Vocabulary-Here are you new vocabulary words. You will not have a weekly assignment, but you will definitely be having a quiz, so make sure you know them!

3. El Dorado-Let's go over the Coach passage from Friday.

4. Chapter 8 Questions-We are going to go over the questions from Friday.

5. Literary Elements-Our newest packet has arrived!

6. Social Studies Warm-Up-Answer the following question in your Norman Social Studies Google doc. Be sure to fully explain your answer.

What was going on in England after the English Civil War? Who was in control?

7. The Glorious Revolution-Today we are going to look at England after the Civil War.

8. Channel One-We are going to watch Channel One news. Afterwards, you are to got to your Social Studies google doc and answer the following questions about the newscast. Remember to use complete sentences, and fully explain your answers.

1. What were the stories on today's newscast?

2. Which story did you find most interesting?

3. What was interesting about this story?

Friday, March 6, 2015

3/6 Friday

1. Free Rice-It's Friday so that means it is Free Rice time. Maybe Mr. Norman will hand out some Cane Bucks. Today, pick your own category!

2. Class Novel-You will answer some questions from chapter 8 and we will read chapter 9 together.

3. Coach Reading Passage-Our second coach reading passage focuses on Main Idea.

4. NC Write-Keep working on your newest prompt.

5. Independent Reading-Relax and read!

6. Channel One-We are going to watch Channel One news. Afterwards, you are to got to your Social Studies google doc and answer the following questions about the newscast. Remember to use complete sentences, and fully explain your answers.

1. What were the stories on today's newscast?

2. Which story did you find most interesting?

3. What was interesting about this story?

7. English Civil War-Go to the following websites here and here. Read the information about the English Civil War. On a blank piece of paper titled "English Civil War" list 20 facts about this period of history. Make sure your facts are in complete sentences.

8. Review-Take this time to review your notes on Absolute Monarchy and The English Civil War. 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

3/5 Thursday

1. Article Review-Read the following article. After reading, write a quick review of the article in your Language Arts Google doc. Your review should answer the following questions:

-What was the topic of the article?

-What was the article's main idea? Supporting details?

-What was one thing about the article that you found fascinating? Explain your answer

-Create one E.O.G style question about the article.

2. Library-We are going to head to the library as a class. Make sure you behave properly and pick an awesome book for yourself!

3. Class Novel-Let's read chapter 8.

4. Poetry Passage-Now we are going to do a poetry passage.

5. Independent Reading-We are going to read from our library books for the rest the class.

6. Channel One-We are going to watch Channel One news. Afterwards, you are to got to your Social Studies google doc and answer the following questions about the newscast. Remember to use complete sentences, and fully explain your answers.

1. What were the stories on today's newscast?

2. Which story did you find most interesting?

3. What was interesting about this story?

7. English Civil War/Absolute Monarchy Review-Review your notes. Here and here are my slides. Go through them and make sure you have all the notes.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

3/4 Wednesday

1. Game Time-Game Wednesday! Be sure to play our new game Joy Words!

2. Vocabulary Reading Passage-We will now go over the passage from yesterday. 

3. NC Write-Your newest NC Write prompt is titled "Violent Video Games." You are to write a persuasive essay on whether you think students should be able to play violent video games. Your essay should fully explain your opinion and should be at least 163 words.

4. Channel One-We are going to watch Channel One news. Afterwards, you are to got to your Social Studies google doc and answer the following questions about the newscast. Remember to use complete sentences, and fully explain your answers.

1. What were the stories on today's newscast?

2. Which story did you find most interesting?

3. What was interesting about this story?

5. English Civil War-Go to the following websites here and here. Read the information about the English Civil War. On a blank piece of paper titled "English Civil War" list 20 facts about this period of history. Make sure your facts are in complete sentences. 

3/6 Tuesday

1. Warm-Up-Creative Writing- Look at the following picture. Write a quick short story about the picture. Be creative! The mood for your story should be exciting.

2. Class Novel-You are now going to answer the questions from chapter 7.

3. Question of the Day-This is a new thing we will be doing from time to time in class. You will answer the question in your Language Arts google doc. Make sure you answer in complete sentences.

What (in your own words) is an Objective Summary?

4. Coach Reading Passage-Now you will work on a Vocabulary Reading Passage from our Coach book.

5. Independent Reading-We are going to use the rest of the class to read from our library books.

6. Black History Month-February is Black History Month. To celebrate, we will look at prominent African Americans and examine their impact on history.

Today we will look at Barrack Obama. Go to each of the links here and here . Use the information to answer the following questions in a new Google doc titled "Black History Month". Answer each question using complete sentences.

1. Who was this person?

2. When and where did they live?

3. Why were they so important?

4. What are 3 interesting facts about this person?

5. Was this person married and did they have any children?

7. Channel One-We are going to watch Channel One news. Afterwards, you are to got to your Social Studies google doc and answer the following questions about the newscast. Remember to use complete sentences, and fully explain your answers.

1. What were the stories on today's newscast?

2. Which story did you find most interesting?

3. What was interesting about this story?

8. English Civil War-Today we are moving on to the English Civil War.